Bewitching the Werewolf
forbidden. You will release her.”
    The man chuckled, “She's a bit young for you and scrawny to boot. I'm surprised. Not your usual style, Lucas.”
    Her arms jerked under her, ready to push herself up and run away. Then Lucas put his hand on her jaw, searing her like dry ice, forcing her to look into his blue eyes. And she didn’t want to run away anymore.
    King of them all. It would be worse— much worse, to die by his hand. Because I wouldn’t fight him. His strength and emptiness, the lack of pity and kindness made promises deep inside of her. Those cerulean eyes still held her tight, and she heard herself sob, hoping it was someone else.
    He compelled her with his voice. “Stay there Valerie Dearborn. Stay there and be calm.”
    Val blinked and tried to move, but couldn't, his words locking her limbs into place. She felt an artificial calmness come over her, her back shifting so that she could settle against the tree more comfortably and wait.
    Trees surrounded them from all sides, casting long inky shadows that would, at another time, have been scary. But there was no point in being scared of what might be lurking in the shadows when the biggest bad, of all big bads, was gazing at her intently.
    The calmness he told her to feel weighed on her oppressively, snaked into her thoughts, like sleep trying to claim her. She knew that if she relaxed at all it would overcome her, and she wouldn't fight but give in to it utterly. Tears coursed down her cheeks as the vampires both watched her impassively, waiting for her to succumb to Lucas' commands.
    The shorter vampire crossed his arms, head tilting to the side lightly, “That's interesting, isn’t it? Quite resistant to your compulsion. Think you're losing your touch?”
    Lucas seemed to ignored him, his eyes fixed on Valerie. She could see him looking at her face: her mouth, hair, chin, forehead, back to her lips and settling on her eyes.
    Val looked away. She took a deep breath and watched her hand, tried to make a fist, wanting her own body to obey her will. She tried to stay afraid and belong to herself despite his compulsion.
    But it’s so hard.
    His golden hair was shining, even in the dark, and Valerie watched it with deep fascination. She lifted a hand and hit the ground hard, the pain breaking up his insidious words. His power receded and she thought she was almost free of him, but then her gaze met his, and his power coursed over her again, like a big wave knocking over a toddler wading in the shallows.
    “ Calm and Still Valerie.” His gaze hit her and she was under the waves, the fight over.
    Val stopped struggling, the desire to flee, even survive, swallowed by him. I’ll wait for him. Wait just a minute, until she recovered from the scare she'd had. That was a reasonable thing to do, wasn't it? She could leave later, after... something .
    The vampires turned away from her, resuming their conversation. “The reason for her protection is none of your concern,” Lucas said. The words were cold and flat.
    Why are my hands shaking?
    I’m scared.
    The vampire looked shocked and surprised at Lucas’ words, his features reminding her of a pale pug. “My lord, please, let's be reasonable. I came here to check on my new child, Oliver. He's having some trouble blending in, gone all homicidal. Very disappointing to be sure. This girl, Valerie you say, is with some Hunters. I have to defend myself.” He spread his arms out in a ‘isn’t it obvious’ sort of gesture.
    Then he looked even more confused. “The girl even staked me! Look at that!” He lifted his shirt, a gray t-shirt that said, “The Pogues” on it and which now sported a bloody tear. His skin was parted nastily, the blood viscous and black. Not human.
    “ Did she?” Lucas said, almost sounding proud.
    Valerie looked at the vampire’s torn flesh, shaking harder. I did that. The

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