Big Guns Out of Uniform

Big Guns Out of Uniform by Nicole Camden

Book: Big Guns Out of Uniform by Nicole Camden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Camden
I’m not proud of it. My life has been very ugly.”
    She held his hand against her cheek and kissed the scars over his knuckles. “I wish I could make it better.”
    â€œTrust me, love. You are.”
    She smiled at that.
    Kyle raised his hips, tossing her forward, onto his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and rolled over with her until she was pinned under him.
    How he loved the way she felt beneath him. The feel of her breath falling gently on his shoulder. The warm, sleek wetness of her around him.
    How he wished he could make love to her without a condom. To feel the whole of her wetness surrounding him.
    She was magnificent and he didn’t want to leave her body. Not even when they came together in one swirling moment of blissful orgasm.
    He still held on to her while she ran her hands over his bare back and shook under him. He was worn out and sated to a level he wouldn’t have thought possible.
    He laid his head down against her hard nipple so that he could feel the puckered areola against his cheek. It was the tenderest moment of his life.
    But he knew it wouldn’t last. Good things never did.

Chapter Three
    M arianne woke up mid-morning to find Kyle already awake and dressed. Or at least partially dressed. He wore a pair of faded jeans and those biker boots again, but the rest of him was gloriously bare and glistening in the bright sunshine.
    Resting on his knees, he had his back to her while he cooked over a small Coleman camping stove.
    Wow, the man really was prepared for anything.
    She felt a tiny shiver as she stared at him and remembered the night they had shared. They’d made love so many times and in so many different ways that she was sure she wouldn’t be able to walk straight today. Not to mention, they would definitely need another box of condoms—which might be her only saving grace from all that glorious temptation he offered.
    The smell of coffee and bacon made her empty stomach growl.
    â€œHow long have you been up?” she asked.
    He looked at her over his shoulder and grinned as he came out of that deadly crouch like some lethal, languid panther who had been tamed only by her. “Morning, little teacher.”
    â€œGood morning.”
    He made her a paper plate of eggs and bacon and brought it to her, then went to the small cooler to fetch some butter for her toast and a small carton of orange juice.
    â€œWow, full service in bed. I like that,” she said as she sat up on the air mattress, which had been surprisingly comfortable while she slept. Marianne made sure to keep the sheet wrapped around her.
    His eyes turned dark, seductive. “I have to say that servicing you in bed gives me a great deal of pleasure.”
    She blushed even more.
    â€œNot to mention you gave me quite an appetite after last night.”
    She smiled at the depth in his voice, knowing exactly what it heralded, and one quick glance at his groin confirmed it. Kyle Foster was a sex machine.
    â€œSo, what’s on the agenda for today?” she asked before she took a bite of her bacon.
    Kyle drew a deep breath as he thought it over. In the book they were supposed to be outrunning the drug dealers who were enemies to the arms dealer, or some shit like that. For all he knew, it could have been a car dealer chasing them.
    He’d spilled coffee on the book earlier that morning and hadn’t been able to finish the chapter. Not that it mattered. With just the two of them, there wasn’t really a way to fabricate a group of people pursuing them.
    He was good, but that was beyond even his abilities.
    So he’d have to think up something else for them to do.
    â€œWell, I think we’re safe here on our private beach. I say we enjoy the day. What about you?”
    Her smile dazzled him. “It sounds like a plan to me.”
    Marianne finished her breakfast and dressed while Kyle cleaned up and shut down the stove. As soon as he had it cleared, he

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