
Billy by Albert French

Book: Billy by Albert French Read Free Book Online
Authors: Albert French
Tags: Fiction, General
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run down to the end of the Patch Road to LeRoy's place, see if anybody be down there sittin. Be sides, he already had his sippin money and was thinkin to get him an early taste. Getting to LeRoy's place was quick and easy, you couldn't see it from the Patch Road, it sat so far back in the weeds and trees, but that path running back in there was so worn and stepped down, it could shine in the night. LeRoy's place was one big shack with an extra part he built on so he could set up a counter and keep him some whiskey behind. That's where Shorty found LeRoy sittin and already sippin and talkin with Lucy Mae and Big Jake.
    LeRoy knew everybody, knew their names and how to call em, how to make em feel good about things. LeRoy was big ger than Big Jake, had that dark shiny skin but not a hair on his head. LeRoy could listen to some talk, good talk, bad talk, LeRoy could listen, but he could take you down too, tell you and the other folks standing around all about yourself. Even them Saturday-night white boys that come down there, get some drink and anything else they could get, kept them selves in line around LeRoy.
    "What ya doin down here, Shorty Man? What ya doin here already? Come on over here and get yourself a little somin for this heat." LeRoy starts turning around and reaching for a drink for Shorty, but keeps talkin. "Yeah, what ya got for me today, Shorty Man, or ya just gettin ready to start your good time early? Getcha a little head start?" LeRoy's still pouring. "Ah heard me somethin, hears it first," Shorty starts. "Ah was a sweepin up at Mister Han ner's cuttin shop and Ahs hears it up theres. Somebody done pu ts a knife in one of
    ' /.6 I Albert French

    them l ittle wh ite childs, puls a knife i n her out there past the waterland. Sheriff and Doc Grey he outs there now. They say it m igh t be one of em driftin niggers comin off the tracks that do that, they . . . "
    LeRoy spins arou nd, looks down at Shorty's smilin face, pu ts the glass of whiskey down on the counter, and just keeps lookin at Shorty. Then LeRoy blurts out, "What ya talkin about? Where ya hear all this? Ya maki n this shit up? What's wrong with ya, man? Come in here talkin all this shit wit that silly-ass grin stuck on your face, where ya hear this at? Ya best not be comin in here tellin no story, making shit up like ya's out ya mind."
    Shorty starts rockin back and forth, grabs his drink, and gets him a fasl sip and starts talkin u p again. "Um tellin ya what Ah hears, Mister Macky Lelli n Mister Hanner, he tellin he was a Lalkin to Doc Grey whens they come to gi t him. Says they's told Doc Grey to grab his bag and come on. Mister Red's little girl been cut, and they says colored done dids it, that's what Ah hears. Soon as Sheriff Tom gits back, he turns that sheriff car arounds and goes flyin out there. They still out there, they's out there now."
    Shorty shuts his words off, but keeps his mouth open and gulps his drink down.
    LeRoy gets hisself another drink, Big Jake and Lucy Mae start giving Shorty what he wants, quest ions, u ntil LeRoy bu rst in their talk and wants lo know, "What time this here happen? They say how bad she cut'?"
    Talk went on, LeRoy left, and when he got Lack, the talk was still there. Shorty and them thought he just went out to the outhouse and didn't even notice when he pulled. that big pistol of hi s out of his panls and. slid it under the counter, right next to his head-knockin stick.
    B J L L y I 47

    Lucy Mae had some talk now, she left Shorty, Big Jake, and LeRoy back there talkin. Lucy Mae was a big woman, had big ways. When she talked i t was loud, when she walked she let the weight in her hips just sway. She had a big taste for that whiskey, had that taste for a while, could not and would not wait for Saturday night, had to have some every day. Patch folks knew her ways, knew she was takin Shorty's money off him, knew her and LeRoy been

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