
BioCybe by Imogene Nix

Book: BioCybe by Imogene Nix Read Free Book Online
Authors: Imogene Nix
Sandon’s shrug
betrayed his inner turmoil, and for the first time, Levia could see his
frustration. “I need you there in case it goes south. This deal… I’ve never
been offered a deal like this, but turning it down isn’t simple nor is
accepting it.”
    Her heart shuddered. Never before had she requested details
of who or what, but now, it seemed imperative. “What’s the cargo?” Her voice sounded
harsh, and he frowned once more.
    “Bodies. Those who were killed in the battle for Omega V
    A sound, keening and long, erupted. “ I can’t, Sandon .
Don’t ask me to do this.” In her pockets, her fingers curled, cutting tiny
crescent-shaped incisions into the soft flesh. Her past haunted her day and
night, and now this. There was no way, without baring everything that she could
tell him… Her soul cracked in half.
    “Levia, this is a diplomatic mission on behalf of the Juran
    “I need you and your assistance, Levia. If there was any
other way…” He extended his hands, and she wanted to accept he was right. But
she couldn’t, because he wasn’t. “No one else here is capable of piloting the
shuttle to the site and able to keep us ready to go at the drop of a hat. I’ll
make it up to you. I promise.”
    One look at his face told her he truly believed it. There
wasn’t an option, except to leave. For all her history, she wasn’t sure she
could do that. She wasn’t strong enough or brave enough to leave the safety of
the Golden Echo . Instead, she gave a jerked nod. “Fine. But after this,
never will I return to Omega V.”
    In his eyes, she read intrigue, but turning away was the
only safe action. It allowed her to hide the pain and fear that wracked her.
    “Levia, if I could…”
    “No. Don’t.” She pulled her hands from her pockets and held
them up, palm out in the attitude of defeat. “Not now. Just go. I’m… I need to
    She waited and listened for the sound of his movements. When
they came, it was after an extended pause. She heard the door open then close
behind him with a thud.
    Once more alone, she staggered to the bed and sank down.
“I’m so in trouble.”
    * * * *
    Making her way back to the bridge was a trial. It felt as if
every crewmember were watching, weighing her every reaction, so they could
gauge how to treat her. Vestang lifted a mug to his lips as she entered, and
even he sputtered. “Oh, Pilot Endrado, uh… Sandon told me you’d be back. I
wanted to—”
    The urge to roll her eyes was almost overwhelming. She beat
it back and searched deep within for the balance she’d always relied on.
    “Yes, well, as you can see, I need to finalize our orbit and
entry/re-entry plans. You can take the helm.” She remained still, legs straight
just like her back, her arms wrapped around her stomach as if to hold in the
rage and panic that swarmed like angry bees.
    She watched him. He was eager, almost child-like, as he
headed for her sling. She sighed inwardly, knowing that to give in once would
lead to further liberties. “Uh, from your own seat, I think, Vestang.”
    His shoulders slumped in his classic pose of dejection, and
she grinned in spite of her problems. From the corner of her eye, she could
detect the looming planet, gray-green on the monitors, ascending off the bow.
The one place she’d rather never see again. She gulped silently and laid her
hands on the controls, noting the fine tremor.
    Her gaze silently traced the continents and coastlines that
she’d seen from this position only once before.
    “Le… Levia?” It was the first time Vestang had ever used her
given name, and she raised her head with a snap, realizing she’d lost herself
in the memories.
    “Are you okay? You’re looking… You look a little unsettled.”
    Her gaze met his and she realized he was watching her. The
how or why of his actions didn’t change anything, now he knew she was out of
sorts and vulnerable. She hated

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