these men to realize that sooner or later they'd all get caught.
"Just what in the hell do you think you're doing on the Double Bar B?"
Black looked up. “What's it to you?” he asked of the man looking down on him from the saddle of his black stallion.
"I'm Belle's neighbor and fiancé, and I don't like to see people trespassing on her land. Sheriff Calhoun was just at my place telling me how she's been losing cattle. I was just on my way over to see if there was anything I can do. Guess I didn't get here any too soon. How many more of her cattle were you planning to take?"
"I wasn't planning to take any. I work for Miss Barton. I was just up here mending the fence that the rustlers cut last night."
The man laughed heartily. Black decided it wouldn't be long before Clayte Adamson was laughing out of the other side of his face. He'd taken an instant dislike to the man. It was no wonder Belle was so anti-man if this was the only choice she had for a husband.
"Guess it makes sense. Belle always did have a soft spot in her heart for drifters and strays. Leave it to her to take on an Injun for her pet project."
Black's anger began to flare. “Look, Mister, I'm getting’ right sick of being taken for an Injun. The proper term is Texican, and I'll thank you not to forget it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have more work to do. I figure if this fence is cut in one spot, it could be cut in more places. I plan to ride the length of this fence before nightfall, so if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way."
"Suit yourself, but if you're planning to get on Belle's good side so that you can slide into her bed, you'd better think again. She's mine, and once we're married she won't be spreading her legs for anyone but me. I can hardly wait to give her a good fuck and show her what a woman's place is in life. It certainly isn't running a ranch. That bitch needs to be tamed, and I'm the man to tame her. Once she's taking care of my younguns, she'll learn what it's like to be a real woman. After that, I'm certain she'll give me some fine, healthy sons rather than those whiny brats I got from my first wife."
Black mounted up and rode on without making any comment on Clayte's statement. If he stayed any longer, he'd have to take the man down a notch, and he couldn't risk losing his cover over an ignorant bastard like Clayte Adamson. His time would come and when it did, Black was certain the man would be wearing the shackles he carried in his saddlebag and not the black eye a fight would leave him with.
Even though Black was certain he'd find no more breaks in the fence, he rode along the line of barbed wire for about half an hour. That was just enough time for Clayte to get to the ranch house and confront Belle.
Spurring his horse to a gallop, he rode back to see exactly what was going on. Rather than make his presence known, he left his horse in a grove of trees and snuck up to the house.
From his vantage point, he could see Belle on the porch talking to Adamson. Their words came to him loud and clear.
"I don't recall asking you to come calling, Clayte,” Belle said.
"Come on, Belle, I know that you've had some problems with rustlers. Joe was just over at the house and told me of your troubles. I sent my men out right away to see if we lost any cattle last night. Once they were gone, I realized that you were over here all alone and I decided that you could use my help. I met up with that breed drifter you got working for you. I wouldn't put it past him to be the one takin’ your cattle. You know you can't trust an Injun when there's stock that is ripe for the taking."
"I'll trust who I want. Even if Black is a breed like you say, I'd trust him a hell of a lot further than I would you. Now why don't you slither back to that hole you came out of? I don't need or want your protection."
"What you need is a good man to fuck you until you understand what a woman's place in life is, and I'm the man to do it. I think I'll start right
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