Blade's Desire
want to discuss? Was he angry enough to end their agreement? If so, what would she do?
    “…several times since he left,” Kelly heard Blade say to the others, effectively jerking her thoughts back to the present.
    “I’d love to cut him off, but it sounds like he has a woman all lined up to be his sub.” Blade sighed tiredly as he ran his hand over the back of his neck. “The women he’s practiced on so far have all deserted him after only a session or two.”
    “He’s hurting them,” King said through clenched teeth.
    “Yes, I’m sure he is,” Blade replied tightly. “I’m doing my best to spread the word in the
area through our connections there to warn the subs about him. But whoever this woman is that he’s apparently obsessed with, she’s not a sub.”
    “What?” Royce looked ready to spit nails. “Do you mean this idiot has designs on a woman, one he wants to master, and she knows nothing about it and isn’t even a sub?”
    “That about covers it.” Blade stood and strode to the bar, pouring three neat whiskeys. Handing one to each of the other men, he tossed his own back with a grimace. “He hits the chat room almost every day around two o’clock. Maybe one of you can get through to him.”
    Their concern floored her. She didn’t realize the kinds of things these men dealt with on a daily basis. She had assumed their lives were nothing more than a series of sexual fun and games. The distress they felt, worry for some unknown woman showed clearly.
    They talked for several more minutes about ways to get through to this ‘Dom’, finished their drinks, and with murmured goodbyes, Royce and King walked out, leaving her alone with Blade.
    Aware of his eyes on her, she looked up and saw the fresh knowledge in his gaze as it moved over her. Weak after all he’d done to her, she felt more vulnerable than ever. Even sated, her body responded to his nearness, the heated look in his eyes. Her nipples pebbled under his gaze, still very sensitive, and when his lips twitched, Kelly realized he knew the effect he had on her.
    When he walked toward her, she noticed his arousal tenting his dark trousers alarmingly.
    “Are you sure-,” Kelly began, staring at the tenting.
    “You will not be taking care of it, Kelly. You’re not ready for my cock yet.”
    “I’m in charge here, Kelly, not you. Or are you trying to back out already?”
    She breathed a sigh of relief that Blade didn’t want out of their agreement. With her body still humming from the pleasure he’d just recently given her, she knew she didn’t want to go without it or him ever again.
    Blade nodded and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a beautiful gold choker, inlaid with black onyx and what appeared to be diamonds. Of course, they couldn’t be real. He probably used it for the women he trained.
    She’d heard from Nat Langley, her partner Jesse’s sister, that all Doms in Desire had a different design. They each wore a ring on their right hand and duplicated that design on the choker they gave the woman they eventually claimed.
    Her eyes automatically went to the diamond and onyx ring Blade wore.
    “By wearing this for the next six weeks, you’re agreeing to belong to me and to obey me. If you choose to disobey me, it is with the knowledge that you will be punished in any way I see fit. Using your safe word will be the only way to stop me. Once that’s used, however, we are through. Our arrangement is over.”
    Blade sat next to her, watching her steadily.
    “I mean it, Kelly. Either you trust me to know what you can handle and gradually lead you to what you’re not yet ready for, or you don’t. Also, you now have two safe words. Red light and yellow light. Red light, as I’ve already mentioned, means stop. No matter what I’m doing, I will stop immediately. Since the next six weeks will be spent slowly increasing your experiences, it would only be used if you are scared.”

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