Blade's Desire
grasped her chin and lifted her face to his. “There will be nothing to fear, and you’ll only let fear get the best of you if you don’t trust me. Trust is everything in a relationship like ours. There will be no lies between us.”
    Kelly felt herself flush. She forced herself to remain still when she would have shifted uncomfortably. If Blade noticed, he didn’t comment.
    “What’s yellow light?”
    Blade smiled darkly. “It means that you need me to slow down. If you find you’re having trouble adjusting to whatever I’m doing, just say ‘yellow light’ and I’ll slow down. Any more questions?”
    “I don’t think so,” she replied breathlessly.
    “Good.” Blade pulled her across his lap and took her mouth in a kiss so tender and possessive, Kelly melted.
    Her hands crept around his neck and grasped handfuls of his silky black hair. It felt so good to be in his arms like this.
    It felt so incredible to be kissed so thoroughly, so tenderly, by the man she loved with all her heart. Held close to his chest, Kelly’s eyes began to well with tears. She’d never felt so safe and secure.
    When Blade lifted his head, Kelly forced her eyes open.
    “I’ll be sending over something for you to wear tomorrow night. We’re going over to the hotel for dinner.”
    He lifted her chin. “Wear exactly what I send. No more. No less. Understood?”
    “Yes, Blade,” she responded docilely.
    With a last lingering kiss, he helped her to her feet.
    “Do you accept my collar, love? Will you wear this everywhere you go for the next six weeks?”
    “Yes, Blade. I will.” She wished she would be wearing it for a lifetime, but smiled, happy for the chance to wear it now. She kept her eyes lowered, so Blade wouldn’t see the love she knew shone in them when he clasped the choker around her neck. It felt surprisingly comfortable, but heavy enough that she would be constantly aware of its presence.
    “Come on, love. Let’s get something to eat at the diner and I’ll take you home.”
    Later that night, curled in her bed, Kelly thought about Blade and what he’d taught her about herself.
    He’d dropped her off with another of those devastating kisses and an order to get a good night’s sleep. Then he left, promising to pick her up tomorrow night at seven.
    Tracing her fingers over the choker she still wore, she smiled.
    She’d finally started to get on with her life. Somehow she’d found the nerve to approach Blade and found herself brave enough to agree to turning over control to him for the next six weeks.
    Smiling in the darkness, Kelly closed her eyes. She couldn’t wait for tomorrow night and all the nights she would be in Blade’s arms.

    Chapter Four
    The next day was Jesse’s Saturday off. Kelly and Jesse took turns having Saturdays off since hiring the two high school girls several weeks ago. Katy and Brittany worked hard and the customers loved them. They also drew a lot of the younger crowd.
    Teenage girls loved the more subtle fragrances and their boyfriends got a big kick out of the array of scents.
    Kelly helped yet another customer, glad that Saturdays kept her busy. She desperately needed the distraction to keep her mind off of tonight. Even busy, though, thoughts of Blade kept intruding, especially after a delivery came for her shortly after she’d opened the store that morning.
    She’d immediately taken it up to her apartment and placed it on her bed. She’d resisted the urge to open it. Picturing herself in whatever Blade had sent would have made her crazy all day.
    Seeing that the girls easily handled the customers, she caught their attention and gestured that she would be in the back room.
    Loyal customers from where she and Jesse used to have their store in
still ordered by phone and Kelly had orders to box for shipping.
    When she walked into the back room, she saw Frank carefully emptying the cabinets in what used to be a kitchen and putting everything on

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