Blood and Redemption (Cassandra Myles Witch Series)

Blood and Redemption (Cassandra Myles Witch Series) by Electa Graham

Book: Blood and Redemption (Cassandra Myles Witch Series) by Electa Graham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Electa Graham
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it wasn’t a kind smile. It was smug. He closed the gap between the two of us and put his arm around me.
    “This is okay with you?” His face pleaded with me to disagree with what had happened.
    “Yes, it’s what I want. Don’t you think five years is long enough to live in a fantasy world? I know how vampires eat. I feel stupid I never thought it strange that I had never seen it before. I was a part of this household and territory and I never questioned the fact that things were so…human.”
    Lucius glared at his maker. He was more himself right now then the other Lucius. “Does she know you’ve basically just mind raped her? Did you share that truth?”
    “You know it was quite easy to turn her on. You can’t mind rape the willing. I put the desire in the room and she walked right towards me. Are you jealous she didn’t just turn and call your name?”
    “It doesn’t work that way and you know it.” He turned to me. “Cass, he put that in your head; he’s terrified you’ll want me and now he’s using tricks to even the playing field.”
    “Enough , my son. I love you, but you have crossed a line and you don’t want to keep walking.”
    “What if she wants me, Father?” His voice was harsh. He glared at his sire. “What if her choice was someone who told her how he felt as soon as he felt it and didn’t make her wait for five years? Someone who would put her first and not behind his territory.” His eyes were glowing. He had flipped back to dark Lucius.
    “Leave , my son. Leave or I will lock you up.” 
    “He will never put you first. He loves his power more than you. I have seen it before.”
    “Leave.” Quintus was in full anger mode. He was terrifying. He was a smaller man than Lucius, but there was no question who was more powerful. The power he was giving off rattled everything in the room. He started to walk towards his son and I held my breath. It was Lucius who broke the stalemate. He backed away and, in a blink, was gone.
    Quintus turned to me. “That isn’t true. It has been in the past, but I…you would always be a priority. You know that , don’t you?”
    “That is the least of my worries right now. We should be trying to get back to the wolf compound and not worrying about our love lives.”
    He was about to say something else when Na’min came into the room. “I couldn’t have said it better myself, Cassandra.” Bless his fae soul. He couldn’t have had better timing, but I don’t think Quintus was as happy with his old enemy’s entrance.
    “You look lovely as always , Cassandra. I hope you feel the way you look.”
    “I feel a little frust rated. All this practice and I’m no further ahead.” I couldn’t help but smile. Na’min was dressed in jeans and a rock t-shirt. He was so otherworldly he looked odd in such mundane clothes.
    “I have a feeling that tonight we will have a breakthrough.”
    Na’min had become a bit of an Internet addict. When he first came to Vancouver , he had been very depressed. He walked the garden day and night. Quintus taught him to use the Internet and had given him a credit card. He thought it might help him if he kept his mind busy; ordered a few movies or books. Even with my boss’ considerable wealth, I think he regretted that decision. Some days, the staff would spend the day answering the door to a parade of deliverymen. Books were his favorite and then came DVDs. He even had an account with a big and tall clothing store. He had become enamored with rock t-shirts. In fact, right now he wore a U2 t-shirt and some really nice jeans.
    Sometimes , he would spend days reading or watching TV. I would have to remind him to eat. If all fae were like Na’min, we’d just have to hand out laptops and credit cards and we would never hear from them again.
    Quintus arranged two club chairs facing each other. He motioned for Na’min to sit in one and guided me to the other.
    “I’ve decided to stop trying to make you take baby steps.

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