Blood, Body and Mind

Blood, Body and Mind by Kathi S. Barton Page B

Book: Blood, Body and Mind by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
Tags: Romance
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    He settled her against the large counter in the bathroom and began unbuttoning her shirt. The taps to the large garden tub had been turned on before they entered, no doubt by some of his abilities, she thought. When he reached out and pulled a bottle of bubble bath off of the side of the tub and poured a generous amount into the spraying water, she snapped.
    “ You know I hate! Why are you doing this? I want to leave. Is it because you think I’ll tell someone about you? I won’t, not ever.” She wiped angrily at the tears falling, and turned to glare at him.
    “ Please don’t cry, Sara. I know you won’t. And if you learned to take proper care of yourself, this wouldn’t be necessary. Now, Thomas, he was the attending doctor the other night, said that you’d feel better after a long soak in the tub. We need to keep your wounds as dry as possible between soaks, though. Want me to help you get in?” He said this with a wolfish grin.
    Sara looked at him for all of ten seconds. It was just too much. She gave him a hard mental push and watched as he flailed backward, ending up in the tub fully clothed, pink bubbles clinging to his dark hair and arms.
    “ Go soak yourself.” And with that, she walked, hobbled really, back into the bedroom and out of the room. She heard him laugh as she slammed the door on her way out.
    The man was insane, she thought, or she was. She had just pushed a vampire three times her size into a tub. Stupid, she was just stupid.
    By the time he had stripped out of his sodden clothes and dried himself, a good twenty minutes had passed. He was still chuckling to himself when he ventured into the hall with another towel knotted around his waist to go to his own bedchamber on the lower levels. There, he encountered Duncan. Aaron noticed that his assistant had an arm load of his clothes with him. He smiled at the look on his face. Poor Duncan, he thought.
    “ Duncan, my man, just the person I need to see. Ah, I see my little warrior told you of my mishap. Good. Let me dress, and you tell me what she is up to now.” He pulled the navy blue t-shirt over his head and dropped the towel on the floor. Next, he found the dark blue silk boxer briefs and slipped them on.
    “ Miss Sara said that she threw you into the tub, my lord.” Duncan stared at him with a look of total disbelief.
    Next came the black jeans. Aaron was pulling them up over his lean hips as he answered him. His mouth twitched at Duncan’s tone. Aaron had never heard him sound so disapproving before.
    “ That she did. That she did. I’ll have to make her pay for that, I think. Tricky little thing, isn’t she?” Aaron winked at the man. “Duncan, she didn’t hurt me. It was my fault entirely, but let’s not tell her that. All right?”
    “ People staying here without a proper house staff to care for them, a young human throwing you into a tub, you in her bed chamber... My lord, I do not know what to make of all this.”
    “ Me either, Duncan, but I’m having the time of my life.” Aaron handed the now sopping wet towel to him and bounded down the stairs in search of the woman who smelled like lilies and honey. He found her in the kitchen.
    Sara was sitting at the large kitchen table staring at something on a plate. She looked up at him when he entered the room. Her forehead was marred in what looked to him like confusion.
    Aaron leaned over the plate and jerked back at the noxious odor coming from the congealed mass of red and white blobs on her plate.
    “ What’s that? Smells...hummm...different.”
    “ Hush,” she scolded him. “You’ll hurt his feelings. He said he got the recipe off of a cooking network. I think he said it was eggplant parmesan.”
    As he watched, she stabbed at it with a long-handled fork. He didn’t think it was improving the look or the smell of it.
    “ Are you going to eat it?” He asked her incredulously.
    She gave him the look, one he was coming to recognize from

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