Blood Match

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Book: Blood Match by Jessica Miles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Miles
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he would eventually be impressed rather than disgusted.  It was worth a shot. She had to give it a try.
    She got up at two minutes to two and made her way to the executive suite. Outwardly she looked to be in complete control, but inside she was a mess! She walked down the corridor looking at the nameplates. There was only one with the initial E she could find. Mr E. Karrigan CEO. Marvellous, he was not only on the board, he was the top dog in charge of this company. She read it again. Ethan Karrigan, her judge and jury and her tormentor.
    She had put on her glasses as it made her look more serious and she needed all the help she could get.  She knocked and was summoned inside with a loud “Come.” She entered and walked up to his desk as confidently as she could.
    “Please sit. I won’t be a moment” he commanded.
    She sat. Finally he looked away from his computer and locked on to her gaze with his lovely eyes. They weren’t so nice at the moment though. He looked rather annoyed.
    “Miss Green. I cannot tell you what a surprise it was to find you in my boardroom today. I am still in shock actually. Your rather loose drunken behaviour the other night, which I couldn’t help but notice in its full entirety, all night long, is not the standard I expect from an employee of this company. Especially from the one who will deal with our treasured business reputation on the World Wide Web. I am in two minds as to what to do with you.”
    He sat back in his chair with his arms crossed staring so darkly at her it made her wince inside.
    He was furious beyond a doubt. He’d seen ALL of that….? Not just the earlier part? Kissing three men on the trot so lewdly and eewww….probably the shorts flashing, boob shaking, pole dancing routine on the podium as well! But how could he have seen all that kissing and other stuff…  and was insinuating he did, unless he was standing nearby deliberately watching her!
    She pushed the memory of her wild behaviour from her mind and concentrated on redeeming the situation.
    “Sir, I understand your concern.  However, that was not the usual standard of behaviour for me. I may dance a little madly from time to time, but the errr….other excessive behaviour you may have witnessed is not something I normally indulge in.
    May I remind you that that was the club scene and I don’t think anything I did on that Saturday night was obscene at all, for a club! My work is my priority here and I intend to be professional and excel in what I do for this company.
    I shall not be dancing wildly on the board room table or kissing the other members of staff, you can be assured of that!
    Can I suggest we draw a line under our unfortunate first meeting? I was most upset at the time regarding your sister’s remark and I may have over reacted after that. And before you say it, I know I am totally responsible for my own actions, I am just giving you a reason why it may have happened.”
    She finished her great speech hoping she had made positive headway into his opinion of her.
    “My word, what a splendid oration – did you rehearse it before you came in here?  Look, I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt for the moment.  I am in full agreement – we shall indeed draw a very big line and not mention it again. Hopefully I can also stop thinking about it whenever I see you, but I sincerely doubt it. However, if I feel you are not of suitable calibre for this company at any time in the future, I will not hesitate to dismiss you. Understood?”
    “Yes sir, completely understood!” She replied with a hurt edge to her voice at being dealt with so strictly, squirming with humiliation and blushing strongly at her dire embarrassing situation.
    “You may go back to your desk now” he said in a resigned tone. She stood up and walked away with as much dignity as she could. He threw her a parting comment as she neared the door and she turned in pleasant surprise…
    “By the way Miss Green, your

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