She told him to stop messing with the local wildlife. He told her to apologise and she wouldn’t. I got upset and ran off. End of micro romance!” She said wistfully.
“Really? Probably just as well though. I told you they were odd. I saw them all get into a limo when we were leaving. Black car, blacked out windows. Black haired, black clothed people… Creepy if you ask me, like a bunch of crows going home to roost”
“He was not creepy. He was just dreamy.” Serena insisted.
“So, let me get this straight… you were testing your responses with Phil were you? Seeing if he could create a similar sensation as Mr Creepy did?” Adam asked. He’d hit the nail right on the head and she nodded.
“Please don’t think too badly of me Adam, I explained it all to Phil before we started. I said he shouldn’t take it the wrong way. I even made him promise. It was just a bit of a kiss. That’s all it was – honestly!”
“Serry, I don’t think badly of you. But for an intelligent woman you are actually a bit daft at times… You need to understand men. Let me spell it out. If you kiss a guy like that ….and it wasn’t just a quick little kiss, was it Serry? Phil told me you were both really into it… expect some repercussions. He’ll want to go further. No matter if you have a contract written in blood beforehand. He’ll want a crap load more. Get it?”
“Well I do now obviously. Oh dear…! How on earth can I face Phil again. I’ve known him for so long… He’s lovely and I now feel so awful.”
“Just let it go. Apologise some more when you next see him. He’ll survive. He did get to snog you big time anyway, that must be some consolation – don’t beat yourself up about it kiddo…!”
Chapter 11
The weekend passed quickly for Serena with her delayed trip to Wales to see Janet and Don. She drove up on Saturday afternoon and stayed the night. It was wonderful catching up on news, seeing their house and things but during the visit she found her head was not quite right. She was actually feeling really worried about her presentation on Monday, now that it was almost upon her. This spoiled her visit somewhat and her appetite for Janet’s wonderful lunch, as it occupied her every waking moment all day Sunday and all the way home in the car. Her mind was going over and over it, again and again…her stomach twisting in anxiety until she finally fell asleep late Sunday night.
Monday morning arrived much faster than she wanted it to and she sat at her desk waiting in a state of acute nervous tension. If she had been a nail biter, she’d have bitten them all down to the quick by now! She was looking her best as she knew it boosted confidence levels to know you were as smart as you could be in appearance. She needed a hell of a lot more boosting at this moment though! Alistair and she had set up the presentation equipment earlier and he was going to call her up to the boardroom when she was needed. She sat there with her stomach in a state of flux, twiddling nervously with her pen. She felt like she needed to visit the ladies room, but knew full well she actually didn’t! Nerves always affected her that way.
The phone rang and it was time. She entered the lift and pressed the second floor button, checking her hair and subtle makeup in the mirrored interior for the final time. The door opened and she walked down the thickly carpeted corridor to the boardroom. She stood outside and to calm her racing heart she took a few long deep breaths before opening the door. She stepped in with her eyes cast down, closing the door gently behind her. She scanned the room for Alistair and made her way over to the head of the table where he was waiting.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, members of the board, for the those who have not yet met her, can I introduce our new Social Marketing consultant Serena Green who will run you through the presentation from this point onwards.“ Alistair announced in his jolly
J.L. Powers
C. A. Harms
Ava Conway
Angela Castle
Abigail Hilton
Marie Caron
Lauren Haney
Michael Tennesen
Monique W. Morris
Marcus Pelegrimas