Bloodfeud (The Scarlet Star Trilogy Book 3)

Bloodfeud (The Scarlet Star Trilogy Book 3) by Ben Galley Page A

Book: Bloodfeud (The Scarlet Star Trilogy Book 3) by Ben Galley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ben Galley
Tags: Fiction
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Dizali was clearly furious.
    She nodded solemnly, dropping a quiver into her voice. ‘He was caught completely off-guard. We were escaping the madness of the attempt on Lincoln’s life. Gavisham was trying to get me away from the fighting when Tonmerion walked out of the shadows and broke a wooden stool over his head. He kept swinging and swinging until he held nothing but splinters, and still he kept going.’ Calidae thought of the blood that had decorated her hands that night, and the sight of the mess she had made of the man. She let her eyes fall vacantly on the desk.
    ‘And what has become of the Hark boy?’ Dizali’s tone was sharp. His fears had been confirmed.
    ‘Escaped, I believe. Hopefully he was killed in the madness. Bullets were flying in all directions.’ It was Calidae’s turn to lean forward. ‘Not to mention magick. They were all rushers, my Lord, every one.’
    ‘Cirque Kadabra?’
    ‘All of them. Disgusting!’
    Dizali pondered. He was still suspicious. ‘Tell me, Lady Serped, how is it that you were able to cross the Iron Ocean and escape such carnage?’
    ‘I hid beneath a wagon until Lincoln’s soldiers had quelled the attack. Then I slipped out of sight, and went straight to the docks. I used what coin Gavisham had in his pockets to barter passage home. My father taught me to be resourceful, my Lord.’
    ‘Indeed he did,’ Dizali thumbed his goatee once more, thinking hard. ‘Why is it that you came to the Emerald House and asked for me?’
    Calidae saw the glint in his eye, so she spoke plainly. ‘Because of Gavisham’s orders. He told me, at his end. As you seem intent on protecting me, I assumed you would have use for me. So I went straight to the Emerald House without delay, to find out what and why.’
    Dizali hummed, deep and low, before spreading his fingers across the desk. ‘Eager to be of service, are we?’ he murmured.
    Calidae chose her words carefully, but didn’t shy from being bold. This was no time for subtlety.
    ‘I am eager to make my father’s memory proud, sir. To serve the rightful authorities as he did.’
    Dizali eyed her. ‘The Order.’
    ‘Precisely, my Lord.’
    A pause. ‘Then on that note, Lady Serped, I would like to offer my assistance.’
    ‘And what assistance is that, Lord Dizali?’
    ‘Any that you need. Lawyers. Words in the right ears. Protection, even.’
    ‘Am I to assume I’m in need of such things?’
    ‘There is the matter of your inheritance to consider.’
    There it was . Earlier than expected. Calidae wasn’t the only one being bold. ‘Quite. My father schooled me in its nature since I could walk, my Lord. I am ready to take the reigns. In fact, he held no secrets. I am aware of the Order, my Lord, and I wish to assure you that the Serped family will be remaining loyal to it.’
    Dizali stared at her. ‘I appreciate the sentiment, but these are trying times for all, Lady Serped. The queen has betrayed her people. The Emerald House is in a state of flux. And of course, there is a war on.’
    Calidae nodded. ‘So I have heard.’
    ‘Of course, when an estate as grand and as large as your father’s becomes, let us say, vacant , all sorts of worms wriggle from the woodwork. Rather hungry worms.’ Dizali was shameless in his tack.
    Calidae looked shocked. ‘Are you suggesting my estate has been plundered?’
    Dizali waved a hand. ‘Not yet, Lady Serped. Not yet. But chaos breeds opportunity, as they say.’
    Calidae took a moment to mull over his words, wrinkling her brow, fingers tapping. In truth, she was holding back her tongue. She was finding this harder than she had expected. It had been rather easy, plotting from the safety of Lincoln’s ship. Now that she was here, acting it out, all she wanted to do was find another chair and make another mess. But she had promised .
    ‘In that case, Lord Dizali, I may have to call on your assistance. Should I find any worms in my path.’
    ‘Once again, you have my condolences

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