Bloodfeud (The Scarlet Star Trilogy Book 3)

Bloodfeud (The Scarlet Star Trilogy Book 3) by Ben Galley Page B

Book: Bloodfeud (The Scarlet Star Trilogy Book 3) by Ben Galley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ben Galley
Tags: Fiction
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for your father and mother. And for Suffrous Gile too, on Hanister’s behalf.’ Brother Hanister nodded, his expression a little on the stony side.
    ‘He died trying to take down that monster of a boy,’ Calidae hissed. As far as I am concerned, he died doing his duty.’ It was time to offer another tidbit to reel in the Lord Protector. ‘I was as surprised as you were, no doubt, and more so for seeing it with my own eyes. I am not sure if you’re aware, my Lord Protector, but the Bulldog’s son is not just a rusher, but a leech. And a foul one at that.’
    Dizali took his time in answering. This was clearly a sore subject. ‘Yes. I am aware. I learnt of it only recently. A trait passed down by his father, it would seem.’
    ‘No doubt.’ Calidae flicked a tendril of hair out of her eye as she shifted the subject. That was enough manoeuvring for the time being. Now she wanted information.
    ‘I must admit, my Lord, I am rather intrigued to know more of Victorious’ crimes.’
    Dizali’s expression shifted from scowl to smirk. This subject was more to his liking.
    ‘A fortunate discovery, right when we needed it most.’ He paused to sit up straighter, unabashedly proud. This subject was clearly more to his liking. ‘And as your father has schooled you, I shall bring you into the fold. The House has been fractured since Karrigan’s murder. The Order saw it as an opportunity. Upon procuring the rights to the Hark estate, we threw her Presence from the House and deposed her in one fell swoop. A master stroke, Lady Serped. Most of the Emerald House is now under our sway, thanks to our good Queen’s warmongering.’
    Calidae nodded The old creature had always thirsted for a splash of gunshot and battle. It was why the Empire of Britannia covered two-thirds of the known world.
    ‘A bold move. The Order is taking great steps.’
    Dizali’s eyebrow rose an inch. Music to his ears, apparently. He tapped his desk. On cue, the Brother opened a cabinet and produced two crystal glasses and a decanter of dark crimson liquid. Calidae felt her mouth begin to salivate. She was a lamprey after all; a slave to her cravings. She had been secretly waiting for a moment such as this. Blood was the only master she could bear to tolerate.
    Dizali poured. He slid a glass towards her, and raised his own as he spoke.
    ‘And you may just take them with us, Lady Serped. It would not be the first time an heir has filled a family seat at the Order’s table. Since your father once sat at my side, we have an empty space. I will need to put it to a vote, you understand…’ Dizali’s voice trailed off as he raised a glass.
    Calidae’s words stuck in her throat. She hadn’t expected to graduate to this level so soon, nor so easily. It was almost worthy of suspicion.
    ‘You honour me, my Lord,’ she said, after taking a quick sip to remind her voice how to work. The brandy almost made her sag in her chair. Her gums shivered in the wake of the magick as it surged down her throat, leaving that same old bittersweet kick. Oh, how she had missed this .
    ‘I trust that I can be of use to you,’ Calidae said.
    ‘You will be useful indeed, my Lady. You have seen the Endless Land for what it is. You have clashed with the Hark boy. And after all, you are the only survivor of the Serped family, a proud and old line whose members have been part of the Order since Victorious first left it to us. It would be wrong to not give you the chance, do you not think?’
    Dizali was rubbing this part in; the loneliness, the finality, the sorrow. Calidae wanted to snort. She had cut these things out of her on the desert road, and left them to roast in the dust. She smiled.
    ‘Then I would be most happy to fill my father’s shoes.’
    ‘Good,’ Dizali said, raising his glass again. She followed suit.
    ‘I’m still interested in the Queen, however. How exactly did she betray the Empire?’
    Dizali didn’t seem as proud of this story as he had been of

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