BLOWBACK by Mukul Deva

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Authors: Mukul Deva
Tags: Fiction
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source and is the body of Islamic religious law, which if followed will lead to salvation.’ Sami stopped and looked at them expectantly.
    ‘Okay, I think I got that,’ Tiwathia said, after he had mulled it over for a moment. ‘Now tell me about the radical sects you mentioned earlier.’
    ‘The fundoos are the ones who seek to establish a global Islamic state and want all Muslims to return to pristine Islam as it was practised in the early period. These so-called purists take a very stringent view of the Sharia and are dead against any deviations from the Islam that was practised by the Prophet, his companions and their immediate followers. That’s why they take a very dim view not only of non-Muslims, but also of other Muslim sects – particularly the ones that take a more liberal view of Islam.’
    ‘I see... go ahead.’
    ‘Okay, so just like Muslims everywhere else, the Indian Muslim has also been influenced by various schools of Islamic thought down the ages. In India, in the eighteenth century, there was Shah Waliullah, who tried to address every section of Muslim society and get them to revert to pure Islam. He didn’t have much success but his views exert considerable influence even today. In fact, it’s unfortunate that several sections of the ulema study his teachings just to try and prove his Deobandi or Brevli roots.’
    ‘Why is that unfortunate?’
    ‘Simply because both those sects originated long after Waliullah’s death.’
    ‘So, basically they are just trying to capitalize on his name.’
    ‘Exactly.’ Sami nodded and resumed, ‘The second person who tried hard to revive Salafism in India was Shah Ismail, the grandson of Shah Waliullah. However, like his grandfather, he didn’t make much headway; nevertheless, he is viewed by the modern Islamic fundamentalist as a role model.’
    ‘So how relevant is all this to what’s happening in India today?’
    ‘I’m coming to that, but first let me take you back to Saudi Arabia for a moment. In the eighteenth century, there lived a man named Muhammad Ibn Abd al Wahhab. Wahhab was another purist who formed an alliance with the House of Saud, the ruling family of Saudi Arabia, to try and eliminate all deviations from the practice of Islam. He was by all accounts very successful in this alliance; even today, the Saudi ulema is very closely associated with the House of Saud. In fact, now the Wahhabi writ runs large not just in Saudi Arabia but also in parts of Yemen, Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain. They also have considerable influence over large parts of South Asia.’
    ‘And what about India?’
    ‘Well, with Saudi aid, the Salafis flourish in India even today. However, you must understand that historically the Indian Muslim is secular and by now totally sick of the way our religion has been maligned by these jihadis. We’re tired of being viewed with suspicion by everyone because of the actions of a handful of fundamentalists.’ He spoke bitterly. ‘By now, the world over, most people only associate terrorism with Islam; they don’t realize that Islam is the second largest religion in the world and as beautiful, deep and strong as any other.’ There was complete silence when he stopped.
    ‘It’s complex, I know.’ Sami gave a small smile. ‘It can be a bit confusing, especially if you understand that what I am saying is merely my interpretation of events; there are many who have differing views on all this.’ He shrugged. ‘Anyway, to round off, in India, Waliullah’s followers founded the Dar-ul-uloom at Deoband with a view to propagating the return of Islamic puritanism in India. For the Deobandis, the guiding principles remain the goals of Waliullah. In India they exercise considerable influence through a network of madrassas.’
    ‘So it’s basically Waliullah’s legacy that we are suffering even to this day?’
    ‘Well, that’s not quite how I would put it, but you’re not incorrect in saying that.’
    ‘And the ISI simply

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