Body of Evidence

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Book: Body of Evidence by Lenora Worth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lenora Worth
of the pond.”
    Anderson went to the torn fence and looked it over, then kicked at the ground and bent to pick up rocks and broken twigs. “It’s hard to say who’s been here. What with the construction people and the joyriders, it’ll be nearly impossible to pinpoint exactly where the cartel has been doing the drops.” He stood up and surveyed the nearby woods. “Why would they mess with your fence?”
    â€œMaybe they don’t even come on to my land,” Jennifer replied, hoping against hope that would turn out to be the case. “It could have been Mr. Chason, like you said.”
    Anderson pointed toward the trailhead a few yards away. “Let’s investigate over there near the tree line. I didn’t go that far last night in case someone was lurking back there.”
    She followed him to where the worn path turned toward a curve. “Anderson, look.”
    Anderson hurried over to where an obvious campsite had been set up. “Those ashes look fresh. So that means someone was here after the last rain.” Then he bent down and pointed to an object in the fire. “What’s that?”
    Jennifer stared down at the silver panel box. “That’s the circuit board we ordered for the equipment house.” She whirled to where a small shed sat off from the pond,outside of the protective fence. “They must have messed with the electrical system.”
    Anderson got up and rushed to the little house, then looked inside. “They’ve cut all the wiring.”
    â€œThat means they’ve been back since we found the cut fence,” Jennifer replied, a look of dismay on her face. “And you didn’t see anything last night?”
    â€œNo, but it was dark and I stayed hidden out away from the site. I didn’t want to shine any lights up here in case they were back. I didn’t hear anything, either. They must have set this fire before I arrived on your property yesterday.”
    Jennifer gasped. “The construction crew had a controlled burn day before yesterday, late in the afternoon. Some trees and shrubs. But they made sure they’d put it out before they left for the day.”
    â€œThe cartel could have come in later that night and used the original fire for a cover.” He jotted notes. “So we have a fresh campfire and a damaged circuit breaker and cut wiring. They’ve sent a message and now they’re laying low, which is why I didn’t see anything last night. This place is too hot for them to have much activity. But since you have stirred things up, they could be gunning for you now. Which means I’m gunning for them. If they come back tonight, I’ll be ready for them.”
    â€œDid you bring a tent to sleep in?”
    â€œIn my truck. But I’ll use a bedroll. And I won’t sleep.”
    Jennifer thought about that. “We could both hang out back here.” At his inquisitive look, she added, “I’d bring my own tent, of course. And my Remington.”
    He shook his head, frowning at her. “You don’t needto do that. But I don’t like leaving you all alone at your house, either.”
    â€œAnderson, I’ve been alone there off and on for years. My mother would come and go, then take off at a moment’s notice and stay gone for months. Just like she did after my daddy died. I’m used to being alone.”
    â€œThings have changed, remember.”
    She pointed at the ruined circuit board, then stared at the open shed. “How can I forget?”
    â€œMaybe I can rig some sort of security system back here, one that we can turn on at night that would alert both of us.”
    â€œYou can do that?”
    â€œI’ll figure out something. Might be wise for you to have one anyway until the pen’s security system is up and running. We’d keep it turned off during the day so the construction workers could come and go. But once they’re gone

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