Bondage Celebration
control every aspect of her life included sex.
    His confidence in his ability to know what Laura needed had been virtually shattered when he’d discovered her submissive fantasies. While he had known she had a strong need to please, he’d thought her obsession with control overrode everything else. Misreading that one nearly cost him his marriage. It could have all been avoided had he communicated his wants and desires with her.
    And that wasn’t the only mistake he had made. To avoid a confrontation, he’d neglected to tell her they were part owners in a chain of sex clubs and kink paraphernalia stores.
    The founder of the clubs, André Devereaux, had come to him for legal advice. To do his job, he’d toured the clubs, developed the training regime for Doms to earn Master’s rights, and became intimately aware of the lifestyle.
    It wasn’t until he’d discovered Laura’s rather extensive BDSM library, that he’d told her the truth. They’d spent their anniversary getaway reinventing their relationship. It was still so new and fresh, it felt fragile, tentative. His lie of omission had shaken her trust in him. One day at a time, he was building it back.
    Though she’d made it clear she only wanted their D/s to pertain to sexual matters, she’d accepted his dominance twenty-four seven during their get-away. Now that real life was intruding, they were scaling it back. Nick didn’t like it. While he wouldn’t push her, he fully intended to make his wishes known. By sending her the collar, he’d let her know he was serious. He didn’t give it to her in person because that would have been too much pressure. This way, when she was ready, she didn’t have to worry about how to tell him. Just hand him the collar and it was done.
    Her submission was the most erotic enticement he’d ever known. Last night had been incredible. She’d met him stroke for stroke. Every challenge he had thrown her way she’d accepted. He would never go back to their old relationship. Moving forward was the only option.
    They talked so much more, but they still had a long way to go. Laura found it difficult to show vulnerability. Until he proved he was worthy of her trust, capable of taking care of her, she wouldn’t feel safe showing that side of her personality. And until then, he’d have to use every tool in his arsenal to plot the correct course in their relationship. He hoped and prayed he got it right this time.
    Nick pushed the sheet from Laura’s torso. The sun streaming through the window illuminated her flawless skin while the rush of cool air pebbled her nipples into hard peaks. With his thumb and index finger, he teased her unmercifully until he heard her breathing change.
    Her moan sent a zing through his cock. “Put your hands above your head and leave them there.”
    She whispered against his chest. “Please, Sir, I want more.”
    “Are the girls sore from our play last night?”
    Laura arched her back giving him better access. “I love what you’re doing, Sir.” Lately, he’d noticed her voice sounded breathy and needy every time she spoke to him.
    Nick stopped and waited for her to meet his gaze. “You didn’t answer me.” Just because his heart was beating overly fast and his cock had come to life with a vengeance, didn’t mean he’d let Laura sidestep a direct question.
    Her secret smile told him he’d passed a test. His little subbie liked him strict.
    “Tender, not sore. Your touch was helping a great deal, Sir.”
    “If you want my touch, then ask for it.” His tone was demanding. So different from BBA. Before their Bondage Anniversary. Somehow he doubted Hallmark would ever add that to their suggested gift list, but he would never forget it.
    The butterflies were taking flight in Laura’s stomach. “Sir, please touch my breasts.”
    “So clinical. Sorry, that doesn’t do much for me. Try again.”
    She wasn’t sure what he wanted her to say. “Please play with my nipples, Sir.”

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