aggression. But it was the glint of victory in the leader’s eyes that told Titus he’d stumbled into something he should have left alone.
    He didn’t have a weapon with him. Nothing but his bare—well, gloved—hands. Sure, he could take a few down if it came to that, but he didn’t like the idea of hurting a female if he didn’t have to. He had no doubt he was faster than these chicks, which meant he could escape if he ran like hell. But what would happen to Natasa if he did that? Even if she was only part Amazon, he didn’t have to read minds to know there was a power struggle going on here. A big one.
    Where the hell was Phineus? Why hadn’t he come through the damn portal yet? Titus lifted his bound hands and reached for the Argos medallion he wore on a chain around his neck, the one that was a beacon back to his order. He found nothing but skin.
    Skata . He’d lost it. Probably when he’d been rolling around in the dirt with Natasa. Goofing off instead of doing his fucking job.
    “Come,” Ilithyia said after Natasa cinched down on the rope. “Queen Aella is waiting.”
    The twine cut into his skin, but Titus barely felt it. Because Natasa’s eyes finally met his. And in their emerald depths he saw worry, and the unspoken plea Do this. For me .
    His heart picked up speed, and that warmth he’d felt before came rushing back. Her prisoner. He could pretend to be her prisoner for a little while, couldn’t he? Theron had told him to find out who the hell she was and what she was after. By staying with her, he’d only be doing his duty.
    Images of being tied beneath her, of being forced to do whatever sinful thing she wanted rushed through his mind.
    His blood pulsed, his heart raced, and any lingering doubt disappeared.
    Yeah, he could do this. After all, they were just girls. What was the worst that could happen?
    * * *
    “Theron? We have a problem.”
    Isadora turned from her sister, Casey, and the prepared speech she was about to give and looked toward the leader of the Argonauts.
    The sitting area in her royal office was full. In addition to Theron and her sister, several of the Argonauts were in attendance providing security. Zander and Demetrius stood across the room, quietly speaking, while Gryphon sat with Maelea on the blue velvet couch, his arm around her shoulder, her nerves as palpable as Isadora’s since she had to face the crowd too. In seconds, Isadora was to step out onto the veranda that overlooked the city and address her people with the news that the evil goddess Atalanta was finally dead.
    For most, that would be enough to set one’s nerves on edge, but Isadora had bigger issues to deal with. Not only was the Council waiting in the ballroom downstairs with the Misos delegation—a race the Council deemed unworthy—but somewhere in the mix, Nick, the leader of the Misos—a man most hated by the Council—was wandering around, looking for the female that had been in Maelea’s room earlier. Any number of fireworks could go off with the current mix of people in the castle, and the unease Isadora heard in Phineus’s voice about some problem wasn’t helping matters.
    Theron pulled the communications gadget Titus had recently been experimenting with from his pocket and pushed a button. “What’s going on, Phin?”
    “We lost her.”
    “Dammit,” Theron muttered. “Where?”
    “Through the portal.”
    Isadora handed the papers to her sister and crossed the room to stand at Theron’s side. Tension radiated from his powerful shoulders. Across the elaborate space, she felt Maelea’s worry as if the female were right next to her.
    “Well, go after her,” Theron said. “Her coordinates should be easily accessible.”
    “Titus did go after her,” Phin said through the com unit. “Grabbed on to her leg as she jumped through. But we can’t follow.”
    Theron scrubbed a hand over his head in clear frustration. Casey—his mate—moved to stand on his other side. “Why

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