Bound by Ivy
    ‘Because I know your schedule.’
    ‘ How?’
    ‘ Sophia, it’s my job to look after you. Don’t you think I’d find out your rehearsal and show schedule?’
    ‘Yes, but how?’
    ‘One of my team is very good at extracting information from computers.’
    I sigh. ‘You could have just asked me. I’d tell you whatever you wanted to know.’
    Marc laughs. ‘Like the fact you were going out to dinner with Leo Falkirk?’
    ‘That was a last minute thing. I would have told you. It was no secret.’ I slump on the sofa, really tired all of a sudden. ‘Look, I’m too tired for you to be jealous right now, okay? We’re having a bit of a family crisis.’
    ‘What’s going on?’ Marc’s voice is urgent .
    ‘Genoveva left. Dad needs a bit of looking after.’
    ‘Do you need me to send anyone? Staff? Rodney?’
    ‘No, it’s fine. Dad isn’t the sort of person who likes strangers around when he’s down. He needs his family right now.’
    ‘You’re a very good daughter .’
    ‘I’m just looking after my dad, that’s all. Just like anyone else would do. What did you have planned for tomorrow?’
    A pause. ‘I was p lanning on taking you shopping. But if your father needs you—’
    ‘For Christmas presents.’
    ‘I’ve bought all m y Christmas presents,’ I say. ‘Months ago. I like to get my shopping out of the way early.’ I don’t add, it works out cheaper that way.
    Marc laughs. ‘Very organised. But I didn’t mean your shopping. I wanted to buy Christmas presents for you and your family.’
    ‘Oh Marc.’ I feel myself soften. ‘That’s … lovely. Truly. But please don’t feel you have to go to any trouble. My family are just happy to be together at Christmas. And as for me, being with you on Christmas day is the best present ever.’
    ‘I’d never dream of turning up at your family home without Christmas gifts.’
    I smile down the phone. ‘ I understand. I guess I’d feel the same, if I were you.’ I hesitate. ‘But ... how can you buy a present for me if I’m with you?’
    ‘Very easily,’ says Marc. ‘You can choose exactly what you like.’
    ‘But then it won’t be a surprise.’
    M arc laughs. ‘I forgot. You like surprises.’
    ‘Yes I do.’
    ‘You like to challenge me, don’t you Miss Rose?’
    ‘You’re one to talk.’
    ‘Fine. A surprise it is.’
    My chest flutters. ‘ Marc. Don’t get me anything too expensive, will you? I mean, I couldn’t afford to get you anything too big, so just get me something small.’
    ‘I don’t want you to get me a present,’ says Marc.
    ‘ Why not?’
    ‘I’m not a great receiver .’
    ‘But I want to give you a present. It will make me happy.’
    A pause. ‘I woul d never stop you doing anything that made you happy.’

    The next morning, I’m woken up earlier than usual by Sammy crying. It’s a desperate, long wailing that prickles at my heart and has me leaping to my feet.
    I trip over toys and towels in the hallway, and burst into Sammy’s room, finding that he’s pulled himself up in the cot and is howling over the bars.
    ‘Sammy, Sammy,’ I say, my face softening. ‘What’s all this noise about then?’ I take him out of the cot, and his chubby little hands grip at my hair. He snuggles himself into my shoulder and calms down.
    ‘Sammy?’ Dad comes c rashing into the room in his boxer shorts and t-shirt.
    ‘It’s okay Dad. You g o back to bed. I’ll get Sammy his milk.’
    Dad rubs his eyes. ‘Are you sure love?’
    ‘I’m sure. It looks like you could use the extra sleep. Go on. It’s fine.’
    ‘You’re really sure ?’
    ‘Well. Wake me if you need anything.’
    ‘I will,’ I say, knowing I won’t.
    I walk Sammy to the window. It’s still pretty dark out, but the sky is greying as dawn approaches. ‘Look out there Sammy,’ I say. ‘The sun will come up soon. It’s Christmas Eve already, isn’t that exciting? Santa’s going to come tomorrow

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