Bound (The Guardians)
introduce myself. I am Neros, Lord Guardian of Selestia.’
    My father frowns. ‘I remember. Do you think that because I’m a commoner I forget things easily?’
    Neros stares back strongly. ‘Now, now… this is neither the time nor the place for old matters to be…brought back to life, so to speak. We are here to discuss your daughter.’
    Lord Neros walks to a nearby chair and sits down. He offers his hand out and slowly the three of us sit on the opposite side of the table. ‘I have called you here to discuss Mellea. She is to become the bride of a Successor. As you know Successors must be united if they want a chance at becoming Lord or Lady Guardian. They must have a bride. That is the law.’
    ‘It’s your idiotic family’s “law” not ours,’ my father yells back. ‘I will never allow Mellea to be used so your family can live on. You’re all a bunch of backstabbing murderers.’
    ‘Watch your mouth,’ Lord Neros says with a frown. ‘I do not understand your anger. You should be rejoicing. Mellea is uniting with my son, Leo. He is nineteen, strong and a well-rounded young man. A young lady from a social and financial background such as Mellea’s is nothing short of blessed to be chosen by the likes of him.’
    Father frowns. ‘If he’s such a wonderful kid then why didn’t he come here and meet me? Too scared to face up to what he did?’
    Da makes a good point, where is Leo? Coward.
    Neros replies, ‘Leo is a Successor. He has extensive duties to fulfil on a daily basis. He does not have time to sit around and wait for a group of country folk to come waltzing into our home for a casual confab.’
    Da frowns. ‘Neros, why are you so determined to make this work? You’re the Lord Guardian for spirit’s sake; you could put a stop to this right now. Why bother letting this go any further? You know Mellea doesn’t belong in this world. I don’t understand why you don’t make your son pick someone else. Surely he has thousands of other girls at his fingertips.’
    Lord Neros takes a breath in. ‘I would like nothing more than to do just that. But I have been trying to get my son to secure a bride for nearly two years. There have been extensive matches with young women, each from different backgrounds and situations. But not one of them has been acceptable to him. Finally, he comes to me with someone he has chosen himself, Mellea. He is very strong in his resolve to have her. I would be a fool to deny him this considering his track record. Moreover, my son does not make whim choices. I trust his judgement.’
    I step in and shout, ‘Well… I don’t care about what you think or…he wants! I’ve already told Leo that I’m not going through with this! It is plain wrong! If I unite with someone, I want it to be because I love them. Not because someone tells me I have to. I haven’t said “yes” to him and I refuse to.’
    ‘Good girl.’ My father nods.
    Lord Neros smiles and then laughs lightly. ‘Oh innocent child, you do not need to agree to the uniting. A Successor can choose whomever they want without an agreement from the other party. This turn of fate has already been set in motion. You are bound to the Guardians now.’
    My eyes widen and my throat aches. I thought Leo was lying. I’m really stuck here? No! I refuse to unite with him! He’s a monster and I will never forgive him for this, even if he does let me go.
    ‘Do not make that heartbreaking face,’ Lord Neros says softly. ‘It is not as tragic as you are making out. Clearly you do not realise how opulent your life will be from now on. You are a lucky girl.’
    Obviously he isn’t getting the message, but I have another idea. I’ll try and appeal his humanity. ‘Please, Lord Guardian, we all know I’m not suitable for Leo. I never will be. I’ll only end up making him miserable. I can understand you have expectations and Leo has his duties. But surely he can find someone better? Someone who will do your family proud,

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