Bow to Your Partner

Bow to Your Partner by Raven McAllan Page B

Book: Bow to Your Partner by Raven McAllan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raven McAllan
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toward a long
curving staircase. He knew what she'd see if she looked over the balcony. A few
couples chatting, and a demonstration area where Sean was setting up to do a
wax play demo. The private rooms were all taken, and those that allowed an
audience no doubt full. The Dance Studio was popular, and could be subscribed
four times over if they so desired. They didn't, preferring to keep it small,
exclusive and discrete.
    Callan matched her step for step downstairs, and at
the bottom turned right toward the bar area. More than one person turned to
look at them, and had a speculative look on their faces when they saw her chain.
Callan had been somewhat economical in his explanation. In the Dance Studio a bracelet
such as he'd put on Mason, was tantamount to a declaration that although not
collared there was a definite connection. He had no idea if this was done elsewhere,
and didn't much care. He, Sean and Ryan decided early on the bracelet idea was
something they wanted.
    He walked to the bar and seated her on a stool next
to him. There was time enough to talk about protocol. "Water
or juice?"
    "Water, please, Sir." To his amazement and
pleasure, Mason slipped off the high stool and sat on the lower one next to
him, before leaning against his legs. He stroked her hair. He handed her a
bottle, and took one for himself.
    "Good girl. Still green?" he asked softly.
She nodded, and gave him a quick glance. He saw a question in her eyes.
"You can talk here, what's going through that mind of yours?"
    "I need you." Her words were so soft he
almost missed them.
    "However you want, Sir, and it scares me."
    M y God, does
she even realize what dynamite there is in that statement? "Scening? Here, in public?"
    She swallowed hard. "One day. If that's what you want, Sir."
    "One day." Not for their first time, however
those words sent a surge of red hot arousal through him.   As a cold shower wasn't viable, a short walk
about might be just the thing. "Come." He stood up and took her and
once more." Don't talk unless I say so, don't stare, and save questions
for later."
    He didn't explain in any more detail, but drew her
with him to where Sean was about to start his demonstration.
    "Did you really mean that? Tell me
honestly." He felt the tremor rippling through her.
    "I thought I did, but, now? When I'm actually
about to see someone else do what we would? Oh damn. Red, Sir."
    "Pet, we might never do it, so don't worry. Now
watch." Callan ignored the sigh of relief and held her tight.She needed to accept he would only do
what was right for her, nothing more nothing less. Yes, he'd push her further
than she might think she wanted, but never ever go too far.It was all well and good to want to please your Sir, but not at
the expense of your peace of mind.
    Around thirty people were watching Sean, and few
glanced their way. Callan felt Mason relaxing by the second, getting increasingly
comfortable, as he guessed she realized anything went clothes wise. People wore
whatever they—or their Sir—wanted. Now he'd see how she reacted to what was one
of his favorite ways of scening, even though he chose to leave most demonstrations
to Sean, he was more than happy. One day.
    Sean spoke to his sub in an undertone. Okay, it was
his very new wife Jane, and they knew each other in every which way, but still
he went through everything with her. Partly for those watching, but also
because as they all said, things change and safety was paramount. Callan glanced
at Mason. Her mouth was slightly parted and the sheen on her skin was very
definitely of arousal, not fear.
    "One day this could be us," he said in an
undertone. A shiver rippled over her skin. Excitement? "Color,
    "Green." Her voice was just
above a whisper. "Blimey, it looks good, I feel great, as if its all so personal and we're privileged to watch."
    It was enough to allow him to press a soft nip to
the nape of her neck. He swore she groaned in a more already tone.
    "Soon." It was a

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