back bend, I land on my feet. Spinning on my heel to face him, I sweep his closest leg with my foot and send him toppling to the sticky floor. He lands on his back and I jump on him, straddling his waist with my heels locked under his ass. I grab him under his jaw, squeezing the pressure points on either side of his neck, and force his head up.
    “Do not touch me again.” I’m deadly serious and I make sure my tone conveys that.
    Fury in his eyes, he wriggles underneath me, grabbing onto the arm I’m holding his neck with in an attempt to dislodge me. I dig my heels into his ass and squeeze my fingers tighter until he falls still.
    “I’m not messing around anymore, Nate.” I look him straight in the eyes, pleading with him to understand what I’m saying. “We need to work together. I can’t afford to find another job because I kick your ass and end up fired.”
    A rare moment of weakness overcomes me and the truth slips out of my mouth unbidden. “I have my little brother and Zali to support. Our parents are fuckwits and I’m all they’ve got. I can’t lose my job because you can’t keep your hands to yourself.”
    Something flickers in his gaze and he lets go of my arm. I maintain my hold, waiting to see if he’s trying to lull me into a false sense of security.
    “I’m hearing ya. I’ll stop,” he promises in a raspy voice. “Girls normally dig my game. I thought you’d be the same.”
    I can see where he’s coming from. Hell, I’d be all over him myself if we didn’t need to work together afterward, but I can’t afford for my sexual proclivities to end up the talk of the gym. The other PT’s will have a field day with it—gossiping about me and all that shit.
    “Make sure you do.” I give his neck one last squeeze before springing to my feet. Smoothing my skirt down and adjusting my top so it covers my boobs, I realize that I’ve flashed my bits to everyone who watched our little drama go down. Drawing in a deep breath, I hold it for a second before facing Nate’s friends.
    They’re staring at us with their mouths open. I expected some lewd comments or for them to step in when I was manhandling their friend, but nothing is forthcoming.
    “You coming to the fight?” Jep speaks up, directing his question at me.
    My eyebrows fly toward my hairline. I didn’t expect to still have an invite after the way I’ve acted during the past ten minutes. To be honest, I’m expecting to have issues with Nate at work as well after this.
    “Nah, I’m heading home. I’ve had enough excitement for one night,” I answer. He nods, appearing a little disappointed, before making his way toward the door Pharrell has pulled open. The other guy follows and I wait for Nate to leave me to it as well. I feel kinda bad about what I did to him in front of his friends, yet at the same time, I’m hopeful that he might leave me alone from now on.
    It hasn’t even been one day and I’m sick of fending off his advances already.
    Patting my right breast to make sure my phone hasn’t fallen out, I squeeze the left one to make sure my cash and my ID is still safely tucked in there.
    “Fucking hell, ninja girl,” Nate speaks up, throwing an arm over my shoulder. “I’m not gonna be able to keep my promise if you start feeling yourself up in front of me.”
    And with that comment, I know that we’re going to be okay. I try to shrug his arm off so I can put some space between us but he refuses to let it budge.
    “ Stay . Watch the fights. I’ll leave you alone,” he tells me in a tone that only the pair of us can hear. “I know you think I’m a douchebag but I’m not really that bad. Let’s call a truce?”
    I run my gaze over his face, trying to gauge his sincerity. He looks like he means it and, even though, my gut is telling me I shouldn’t—that I should let him go to the fights alone so I can concentrate on finding someone else to scratch my itch tonight—I nod my acceptance of his offer for a

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