Nate, I find that he’s struggling not to laugh as well.
    “This is nothing like a martial arts grading. Have you watched the UFC or anything like that?” Jep cuts in as he moves to stand on my other side.
    “No, I haven’t.”
    “Fucking hell,” he turns his attention to Nate. Anger shines from his eyes. “You’re an idiot. Pharrell, you can’t let her in.”
    The bouncer nods in agreement with Jep’s assessment. My temper sparks. Just because I’m small and a woman, they think they can tell me what I can do? I don’t think so.
    “Listen here. I’ll be fine. I mightn’t know what the bloody UFC is but I’ve been in plenty of fights. A little violence isn’t going to worry me. I don’t faint at the sight of blood and I haven’t a problem watching someone get their head punched in.”
    Shaking off Nate’s arm, I step closer to the bouncer and get in his face.  They’re acting like I’m some sort of damsel-in-distress. Which I’m not.
    Never have been and never will be.
    “Hell, I knocked him,” I jerk my thumb over my shoulder toward Nate before spitting the rest of my statement at him from between gritted teeth. “on his ass twice today. So let me in or tell me I’m not welcome, it doesn’t faze me either way.
    This was a bad idea. I shouldn’t have let Amy talk me into staying. As much as I think I’d enjoy watching the fights, I’m not keen on hanging around these guys anymore. I barely know them, at the end of the day, and it’s obvious they’ve underestimated me.
    “Jep’s right,” Pharrell, the bouncer speaks up when I pause for breath. “She’s only a girl.
    Pointing my finger at him, I finally explode. “Fine. I’m going home. Not because I couldn’t hack watching the damn fights but because I refuse to hang around with asshole’s who think they’re entitled to tell me what to do because I have a fucking vagina.”
    With that final explosion, I pivot on my heel and head for the exit. I’m seething. My hands are fisted at my side, and my body is beginning to shake. That’s not a good sign. It means the next person who pisses me off is going to cop a fist to the face, no questions asked.
    I’m barreling my way through the sea of bodies on the dancefloor when a hand lands on my shoulder and spins me around. I lash out with my fist, missing the person who grabbed me by mere inches. Pulling my arm back to throw another punch, I’m diverted from my plan when a shoulder is thrust into my stomach and I’m lifted over a big shoulder. My feet leave the ground when they straighten and my skirt flies up, giving anyone who’s looking a good look at my ass.
    Thank fuck, I wore panties tonight. Normally when I’m out to pick up, I’ll throw on a thong or let my pussy breathe fresh air. It makes it easier to have a fast and furious fuck in the alley next to the nightclub or in the backseat of my partner’s car. The only reason I didn’t tonight is because Zali was in my room with me when I got dressed and she was scandalized enough by my outfit. I didn’t want to give her a heart attack by dispensing with my underwear as well.
    “Put me down, Nate.”
    “Just shut up, ninja girl, and enjoy the ride.”
    I hit him viciously in his chest with my knees. He doesn’t let me down, instead he grabs my legs and holds them to him with one hand. The other comes down on my ass with a stinging slap before it kneads my left ass cheek.
    Looking up from where my head is hanging over his back, I see that we are heading back to the group I just stormed away from. Nate grabs my other ass cheek and rubs it.
    “Stop touching my ass.”
    He slaps me again before continuing on his merry way, groping as he pleases.
    That’s it, I’ve had enough.
    Jabbing him in his right kidney with my straightened fingers, I grab hold of his waistband when he grunts with pain. His grasp on my legs loosens, so using my death grip on his pants, I flip over his shoulder and after executing a perfect

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