The Untouchable

The Untouchable by John Banville

Book: The Untouchable by John Banville Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Banville
Tags: Fiction, Literary
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I suspect he knew how much I hated my name—only bandleaders and petty crooks are called Victor—for he used it at every opportunity.
    “If you’re so much in favour of Socialist art,” I said, “why are you exhibiting that White trash out there?”
    He lifted his shoulders, grinning, and showed me his merchant’s palms. “It sells, my boy; it sells.”
    Nick came wandering in then, his bare feet slapping the floorboards and his drunken smile askew. He exchanged a sardonic and, as it seemed to me, curiously complicit glance with the young woman and a second later I realised who she was.
    “Look at us,” he said happily, sweeping his wineglass in an unsteady arc that encompassed himself and the party behind him, as well as Wally and his sister and me. “What a decadent lot.”
    “We were just anticipating the revolution,” Wally said.
    Nick laughed at that. I turned to Baby.
    “I’m sorry,” I said, “I knew I knew you but…”
    She lifted an eyebrow at me and answered nothing.
    The room was painted greyish white and the ceiling was a shallow dome. Two filthy windows side by side looked out on a cobbled yard thick with evening sunlight shining straight from Delft. Pictures were stacked against the walls under a fur of mouse-grey dust. Unnerved by Baby’s challenging, slightly bulbous gaze, I went and poked amongst them. Failed fashions of past years, tired, sad and shamefaced: orchards in April, the odd wan nude, some examples of English cubism that were all soft angles and pastel planes. And then there it was, in its chipped gilt frame, with a cracked coating of varnish that made it seem as if hundreds of shrivelled toenails had been carefully glued to the surface. It was unmistakable what it was, even at first glance, and in poor light. I laid it back quickly against the wall, and a sort of hot something began swelling outward from a point in the centre of my breast; whenever I look at a great picture for the first time I know why we still speak of the heart as the seat of the emotions. My breathing grew shallow and my palms were moist. It was as if I had stumbled on something indecent; this was how I used to feel as a schoolboy when someone would pass me a dirty picture under the desk. I am not exaggerating. I have never cared to examine the roots of my response to art; too many tendrils coiling about each other down there in the dark. I waited a moment, telling myself to be calm—the alcohol in my system had suddenly all evaporated—and then, taking a deep breath, I lifted out the picture and carried it to the window.
    Wally was on to me at once.
    “Seen something you like, Victor?” he said.
    I shrugged, and peered closely at the brushwork, trying to appear sceptical.
    “Looks like The Death of Seneca, by what’s-his-name,” Nick said, surprising me. “We saw it in the Louvre, remember?” I imagined myself kicking him, hard, on the shin.
    Wally came and stood at my shoulder, breathing. “Or another working of the same subject,” he said thoughtfully. “When hefound a subject he liked, he stuck to it until it was done to death.” He was interested now; my reviews annoyed him, but he respected my eye.
    “Well, I think it’s school of,” I said, and put the picture back in its place, with its face to the wall, expecting it to cling to my hand like a child about to be abandoned. Wally was eyeing me with malicious speculation. He was not fooled.
    “If you want it,” he said, “make me an offer.”
    Nick and Baby were sitting side by side on Wally’s table in an oddly crumpled attitude, heads hanging and legs limply dangling, graceful and lifeless as a pair of marionettes. Suddenly I was shy in their presence, and said nothing, and Wally looked at them and then at me and nodded, closing his eyes and slyly smiling, as if he understood my predicament of the moment, which I did not: something to do with art, and embarrassment, and desire, all mixed together.
    “Tell you what,”

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