Breath of Air
eyebrow at him, her lips curving into a smile. “Darling, you read my mind.”
    Within minutes, everyone was gathered outside in the courtyard on a large patio. Capri hadn’t witnessed it, but someone had conjured up glowing balls of light to float high in the air over what had become somewhat of a dance floor. Tables were scattered around the edges, and everyone seated was laughing and talking. What looked like champagne bottles were opened with festive pops and poured generously into lovely crystal glasses. Music was playing, though she had no idea where it came from. She recognized the throaty voice of Van Morrison asking to have one more Moondance, and she wondered briefly if the Muses had influenced this jazzy number. She figured she wouldn’t be surprised if they had.
    The whole thing had all happened so quickly, so smoothly, that Capri wondered if they did this every night.
    “My fair lady, will you join me in a dance?” A voice said from behind her. Capri turned and saw Liam, bent over in a bow with his hand extended towards her, a playful grin on his face.
    “I don’t really know how to dance.” Capri stammered, feeling awkward.
    “That is why the man is always the leader.” Liam took her arm in his and led her out onto the floor. Other couples were dancing already, including Blythe and Lucian who were spinning around each other pulling off wild moves Capri had no hope of mimicking.
    “They’re professionals.” Liam remarked, taking Capri’s hand in his and placing his other at the small of her back. “We’ll just dance normal.”
    “Thank God.” Capri laughed as she gazed upward, reveling in the beautiful star studded night sky. Had the sky ever been filled with that many stars in Virginia?
    “I feel like I’m not even on the same planet.” She hadn’t meant to say the words out loud, and she blushed when Liam chuckled.
    “I forgot to mention to you that Euphora is an island.”
    “Really?” Capri looked at him curiously. “In the Atlantic?”
    “Not really…” He grinned mischievously at her. “We’re technically over the Pacific ocean.”
    “Over?” Her brows furrowed together in confusion.
    “Yes. Euphora is a floating island.”
    Capri’s mouth fell open. “You’re joking.”
    “Nope.” He twirled her around to give her a second to process the concept of a floating island. When he brought her back into his arms, she felt the laugh bubble in her throat.
    “Alright, fine, we’re floating, it’s all good.” She laughed openly, feeling free as he dipped her low to the ground. “I’m just going to accept that I’ll never stop being surprised about this place.”
    “It will keep life interesting.”
    She smiled up at him. “Yes, it will.”
    After they’d danced through three whole songs, Liam led Capri over to an empty table. She collapsed into a chair, gently lifting her aching feet out of the shoes she was wearing. Liam went off to dance with Blythe, and Capri wondered how the two of them seemed to have endless amounts of energy. As she sat rubbing her feet, she noticed the Furies were sitting at the table next to her. Roarke was deep in serious conversation with the other Fury, Balgaire. Balgaire’s son Brogan was out on the dance floor, dancing slowly with Rhiannon, both of them looking stiff and way too serious, a brutal contrast compared to the lively Liam and Blythe. Thea and Sebastian were dancing as well, Thea’s silver gown shimmering like diamonds in the golden light. The way they moved seemed so graceful, so fluid and natural, that Capri couldn’t help but imagine them dancing like that for thousands of years.
    When she turned her attention back to the Furies, she spotted Rian sitting quietly across from his father, sipping champagne. Before she could do much more than glance at him, his eyes shifted and met hers.
    They held for a moment, and she again felt as though he was examining her. Because the feeling was uncomfortable, she turned her gaze away and

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