Broken #5 (The Broken Series - Book #5)

Broken #5 (The Broken Series - Book #5) by Claire Adams Page A

Book: Broken #5 (The Broken Series - Book #5) by Claire Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Adams
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admission, but I
felt like I shouldn't be. I felt that it was the right time for me to have said
I love you, and regardless of whether he felt the same way, he should have
accepted my sentiment and not shut down for the entire trip home.
    I had to fight off tears a few
times on the trip, but when he finally pulled up in front of my apartment, I
quickly kissed him on the cheek and exited the car. I grabbed my things from
the trunk and ran into the building, without looking back even once.

    Chapter Ten

    Every year after the championship
fights were over, the school hosted a parade for the community. It was a great
way for the school to get out in the community and raise awareness for the MMA
program, which was still fairly new in the area. The school had all the art
students help with building and decorating floats, and when it was all said and
done, everything looked pretty cool. All my teammates were there, getting ready
to board floats and celebrate, and the mood in the air was very festive.
    It was a cool winter day for the
parade, but there was no snow on the ground that would affect the floats
driving around. I was personally hoping that the parade didn't last very long,
because I wasn't a fan of the cold, and the idea of being out in frigid
temperatures didn't make me feel very happy.
    I was the king of the show, of
course, due to my win at the finals, so I sat in a special chair at the top of
one of the floats as if I was homecoming queen. The whole thing seemed pretty
absurd to me, but it was gonna be just the beginning
of my fame. I had big plans for my future, and one day I wouldn't have to worry
about being involved in community parades.
    Natalie was also there, helping
out due to her art class, and she wanted to be there to support me as well.
Ever since she landed the I love you bomb on me, things had been a
little tense between us. I felt terrible that whole ride home after Christmas,
and I wished that I could turn back the clock and change that, because she must
have felt terrible the whole ride home, and I did
nothing about it. In fact, I probably hurt her a great deal, and did nothing
about it. She had just caught me off guard, and hearing her say those words to
me had not only stunned me, but scared me as well. This was all new to me, and
I didn't want to rush into anything without being sure that I was doing the
right thing, not only for myself, but her as well.
    She didn't deserve the reaction
she got from me, and I felt terrible about it. She had expected me to say the
same thing back to her, and instead I had ignored her, and then proceeded to
not talk to her for the next ten hours. It was a stupid thing for me to have
done, and I should be grateful she didn't dump me on the spot. She was still
there, however, and I would have to make sure I didn't lose her over something
so stupid.
    “Okay, guys, let's get into
positions, and get this parade on the go,” the Dean announced, and Coach got us
all settled into our positions on the floats.
    The parade lasted about 45
minutes in total, and by the time it was done, my nose was red, and I was in
desperate need of a hot chocolate. The school had thrown a small party after
the parade, where plenty of hot chocolate.
    Natalie found me talking to some
teammates as we were warming ourselves with our hot drinks.
    “Hey, Jet, how did the parade go?
I saw you guys up there; it looked like fun.” She was acting perfectly normal and
happy, but there was something about her body language that told me she was
keeping her distance from me, and that was the last thing I wanted. I said good-bye
to my friends, and pulled Natalie aside.
    “Hey, can we talk?”
    She suddenly looked embarrassed. “Of course. What's up?”
    “Things have been a little weird
between us since Christmas, Natalie, and I don't know what to do about it.”
    “Yeah, I guess it has been
    “So, let’s talk about it, figure
things out. What are your thoughts? I need to know

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