Broken Hearted
case they
needed him. His brother was so much like Trey. Except he worked out
more and had a lot more tattoos than Trey. He was the one you
wanted on your side in a bar fight. Let’s hope that didn’t happen
tonight, Trey thought, but if it does, he could bet it would be
Faith or Eve that start one.
    Tonight, they had a great team working, Eli would be
watching from the stage, and Faith would be watching the whole
room. She was a people person anyway, so watching everyone in the
room would be easy for her. All Trey had to do was look at Eve and
she knew what he’s thinking. She could create great diversions when
he needed her.
    Eve was here to observe and entertain the table.
There was never a dull moment when she is around. Eve’s fun without
even trying—once she jumped on a table and started to dance. That
was something she hated. However, she knew Trey was going to be
shot so she jumped on that table and started dancing away. We all
had to laugh even in a bad situation Eve could be crazy.

    Cody picked up the girls outfits from Trey today.
He’s hoped something broke in this case soon.
    Cody told Faith, “Trey can’t stay away from you much
longer. He wants to work things out with you as soon as he gets
this job finished.”
    “ Really, Cody? Not by the way he
has been acting for the last three weeks.”
    Cody loved his brother, but thought he should think
about himself sometime and not just his job. The job would always
be here, but Faith might not wait for him. Cody told him today that
if she were free he’d go after her in a heartbeat. Cody explained
to Faith that Trey grabbed his shirt and pulled him to him.
    Trey said, “She’s not free, she’s mine.”
    Cody laughed. “Hey, I love her like a big sister,
but at least you finally admit Faith is yours.”
    Faith wondered why Trey wouldn’t tell her that he
wanted her and how much he needed her.
    Cody said, “All Trey could do was shake his head.
And say, ‘I will tell her I love her soon. I’ll explain everything
to her when this case is over…’”
    Cody promised Trey he’d be outside Dakota bar
tonight, waiting for him to call for help if he needed to. They had
to get there at eight o’clock sharp. Then Cody’s job was to wait
outside and watch for anything unusual that might happen. Sounded
easy enough, but that’s the problem, it sounded too easy. Cody
found the girls painting their toenails in the bedroom. He handed
each of the girls a box.
    Eve said, “Christmas already.”
    Cody told her, “No, outfits from Trey. He says to
tell you women to wear these tonight and stay safe.”
    Then Cody went into another bedroom to shower and
change, shouting from the bathroom, “Hurry and get ready girls, we
have to get a move on it tonight.”
    Faith turned to Eve. “No way in hell I’ll ever wear
this outfit the way Trey picked it out. I always dress myself. He’s
always loved the way I looked before, so tonight won’t be any
    An hour and a half went by. Faith and Eve walked
down the stairs looking attractive. Maybe a little slutty but
somehow it worked for them. Faith’s sure Trey knew it would. She
hoped all eyes would be on her and Eve.
    Cody hugged them both. “Let’s go have fun, ladies,
and be careful tonight.”
    He handed them their earpiece and both of them say,
“No!” at the same time.
    Cody laughed, saying, “Rules are rules and Trey
makes them tonight.” We all would do as he says and everything
would fall into place.
    Faith put the final touches on her bright red
lipstick. As she looked into the hall mirror saying, “Come on, Eve,
it’s time we go have some fun. You will do great tonight!”
    Faith took in a long breath and hoped she’d be the
one who would be alright tonight. Half smiling, she said, “Let’s
go, Cody, time to rock Trey’s world a little.”
    Cody glanced at Faith and realizes she could rock
any man’s world. Faith regretted Cody wouldn’t be inside to give
her the

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