Broken Wing

Broken Wing by Judith James Page B

Book: Broken Wing by Judith James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judith James
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will suffice.”
    “Are you so eager to leave us?” Ross asked, much to his own surprise. “Has anyone mistreated you here? Offended you in anyway?”
    “Then sit down …
, and let me be clear. My brother, provided I can find him a situation of the nature you suggest, will be home every fortnight aswell as over the holidays. He will be expecting to see you here, and, well … one hates to be indelicate, but I must remind you that our written agreement is for one full year. If you choose to end it prematurely, I am not required to pay you anything at all. Come now, lad,” Ross relented, “surely you can put up with us a while longer, for young James’s sake.”
    Gabriel nodded stiffly, knowing he’d been deftly manipulated into doing exactly what he wanted most. “You and your sister have a great deal in common,” he observed coolly.
    Ross grinned and raised his glass in salute. “Why, thank you. Now back to business. It is my intention that you continue your education as a gentleman.” He raised his hand for silence before Gabriel could protest. “I mean no offense. You are being presented as a friend of the family. It is assumed you are a distant relative, ergo you must have the necessary skills and training. It is clear you have exquisite manners when you choose to use them, and James’s tutor tells me you have a classical education at least the equal of most of the young fops passing for gentlemen these days. It is my understanding that you are largely self-taught. This is much to your credit, given your circumstances. My sister tells me you’re an accomplished musician, another noteworthy achievement. She’s quite skilled herself, and assures me there’s nothing a local music master could teach you. One cannot help but wonder what you would have accomplished if your upbringing hadbeen more orthodox. Now then,” he said, drumming his fingers, “do you dance?”
    “Yes, it was part of my training.”
    “Mmm, quite. Ride?”
    “I have … I did … It’s been a few years.”
    “Any good at it?”
    “I was.”
    “Excellent! It’s not the sort of thing one forgets. We’ll head to the stables after our meeting and find you a suitable mount. Can you defend yourself? Have you any training in boxing or fencing, any experience with sword or pistol?”
    “I can use my fists, and a dagger,” he answered grimly.
    A slight inflection in his voice made Ross give him a sharp look. “Indeed?”
    Gabriel returned his look with the same cold stare Ross remembered from their first meeting. A decorated military man, sea captain, and adventurer, he’d seen that look many times before. The fellow knew how to kill, no mistake about it. A dangerous man, this young lad. Best not forget it. He wondered, not for the first time, why he allowed him near his sister, his little brother. Still, he was no hypocrite. Only a dangerous man could have kept James safe in that hellhole he’d been plucked from.
    When it was clear there was no explanation forthcoming, Ross continued, “Well, yes, of course. Ahem … I should like, however, to see you trained inthe arts of gentlemanly combat, as well. I have a dear friend, a partner and business associate, Gypsy Davey. He’s currently at sea but we expect him home any day now. He’ll be staying with us over the fall and winter. This is a most fortuitous circumstance for you, young man, as there are few, if any, men alive who could best him with sword or pistol. He is also skilled in hand-to-hand combat and, er … dagger.
    “I will ask him to assess your skill and train you if he’s so inclined. You will, I hope, be appreciative of his time and show him the utmost respect. If all goes well, and you’re interested, he may even teach you seamanship. The sea can be good to a man if he has daring and ability. Captain Jenkins was favorably impressed with you on the crossing. He remarked upon your interest and felt you might have an aptitude. Do you know, he asked

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