Buried: Mystery Series (My Murder Mysteries #2)

Buried: Mystery Series (My Murder Mysteries #2) by H. B. Rae

Book: Buried: Mystery Series (My Murder Mysteries #2) by H. B. Rae Read Free Book Online
Authors: H. B. Rae
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believe you can solve any murder that's thrown at you?"
    "Maybe," I said, in a quiet, timid voice.
    "Wake up, Tammy!" he cried. "Every detective has at least one murder that they don't solve! Probably more!"
    "Well, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it," I said, "and anyway, I see you've done your homework on me."
    He smiled and nodded his head.
    "There was one more murder I forgot to mention." He stood up and walked closer to me, went right up to my ear, and said, "Your grandmother’s."
    "And I solved that, too!"
    "Well, it could have been prevented!"
    "No, it couldn't have!"
    "Yes, it could! If you discovered that diary before she was killed, she might still be here today!"
    "Nice try, Barry," I said, "but you can't get to me."
    "I am," he laughed. "And now that the person who killed your grandmother is now dead, you feel that justice was not properly served. She only died a few months after going to jail for it, so you feel she should have suffered for much longer, making her life Hell."
    "You still aren't getting to me," I said, completely defenseless.
    "Just think about the way she was killed, Tammy. That knife went into her, oh, seven times? That's the usual amount of stab wounds a killer applies to their victim."
    I tried to hold back the tears, and just about succeeded, but I knew that he saw.
    "You've never got over her murder, have you?" he said, whispering.
    "Well," I said, "I've done my homework on you, as well!"
    Barry's face soon turned upside down.
    "So, you were turned down for being a security guard in a supermarket, failed the physical for been a fireman, and oh, this is the best one: failed the test to become an ambulance driver!"
    I gave out a hysterical laugh, while Barry glared at me.
    "Is that why you killed all those people, Barry?" I asked him. "Because you resent the public?"
    Barry just simply told me, "That might be why he killed those people."
    "No, Barry, let's face it. It was you who killed those people! I know it, you know it, and the rest of the team standing watching us knows it!"
    Barry simply turned around to face the door. "I'm done talking," he said.
    At that point, I felt so desperate.
    "No, you're not," I said to him.
    "Yes...I...am," he said firmly, opening the door and walking out.
    I followed him out of the room. Barry then turned around, and said to me, "Do you like hunting?"
    I was in shock. "No, I don't," I replied.
    "Well, you should try it. I might take you one day."
    I smiled, and turned to the rest of the team. I let him walk out of the building, because there was no evidence to convict him.
    "That's it, isn't it?" I said, with tears in my eyes.
    "I can only assure you that justice will be done one day," said D.I. Hobsworth.
    "How?" I said, crying now. "How is he going to get caught out?"
    There was no reply to that. I knew he had gotten away with murder, and that was that. It was the first case where I had not brought justice to the victims nor to their relatives.
    I walked over to the investigation board, which contained photographs of all eight victims. One by one, I pulled the photos down from there, knowing that nothing had changed for any of their family members. Those photos were haunting me as I pulled them from the wall and stuck them into a cold case box. Although the families knew the truth about each disappearance, the most important part had not been sorted out. I was almost sick. When I left work that day, I decided I needed a drink. When I entered a local pub, I was both shocked and vexed to see him there. He was laughing with friends, and one even offered to buy him a drink. He looked at me for a second, but then went back to his socializing. He was living a good life, and I could have stopped it. They asked for my story. I have told it. Enough.
    The End

Sample of Minot Hacker My Murder Mysteries #1

    Chapter 1

    Deep in the woods of Minot, North Dakota, a rabbit hopped out of a bush and over to a small

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