Burn Out
only?” Rachel asked, already knowing the answer.
    “ Yes, it’s part of her
family’s land. Her father deeded it to her right before we were
married. We have fourteen acres with a main house and then the
guest house and barn. I told her not to sell it.”
    “ Nora said she was talking
to some real estate agents last week. She was trying to get a value
on the place.”
    “ Money is tight. I know.
But I told her not to do anything drastic without talking to me
    “ Nora said she was also
looking for another job. She was watching the kids while Sam went
on interviews. Said it was almost impossible for her to find
anything. No one wanted to hire her, it seems.”
    “ It’s because of what I
did. It is all because of me she wants to sell the house. Because
of me, she can’t get a job. And because of me, she is missing.” Ken
pounded his fist so hard on the table, Rachel jumped in her
    “ Calm down, Ken. We are
just trying to find out what happened.” Suzette said.
    “ Someone who is putting
their house up for sale, looking for a job and has two beautiful
children to look after…doesn’t sound like someone who would just up
and disappear,” Rachel said.
    “ I don’t think so, either.
Something bad happened,” Ken agreed.
    “ Suzette said you were
getting death threats?”
    “ That’s is typical. I am an
ex-cop who helped put away most of these bastards in here.” He
waved his hand around the room. “They keep me in a separate cell
away from the others. I eat, exercise and shower by
    “ Would any of these people
want to hurt Sam?” Rachel asked.
    “ To get back at me, I’m
sure. I told her to be careful and not go anywhere
    “ Did anyone know her
routine? Work schedule. Where you live?”
    “ Sure, lots of people. It’s
a small resort town. Everybody knows everyone. It wouldn’t be hard
to find out when Sam worked.”
    “ Are Mack and Sam
    Ken looked at her for an uncomfortable
moment before answering. Rachel could see the tension in his face.
“Yes, they have been friends for a long time."
    “ Mack seemed to think the
fire was intentional.”
    “ Mack was with her that
night. He should have never let Sam out of his sight. He should
have never let her go back into the building. If anything happened
to her, I blame him,” Ken said.
    “ In his defense, I don’t
think he knew. Their focus was on getting the victim out of the
building and getting him medical attention. He said he thought Sam
was behind him the whole time.”
    “ Well she wasn’t. Was
    “ Look, Ken. I will do
whatever I can to help find Sam. We’ll be in touch.” Rachel stood
to leave. She smoothed out the wrinkles in her white linen skirt
and looked back at Ken. His last words stopped her in her
    “ I would talk to Mack again
if I were you. Since he and Sam were having an affair.” Ken got up
from his chair, scraping the legs across the linoleum tile. “Guard,
I am ready to go.”

Chapter Thirteen
    Santa Rosa Beach, Thursday
    Rachel went to the airport to pick
Stacy up. It was the least she could do for asking her friend to
cut her vacation short.
    Stacy was waiting outside the baggage
terminal for her. She threw her one bag into the backseat and
climbed in Rachel’s truck.
    “ Travelling lightly, huh?”
Rachel asked.
    “ No need for a lot of
clothes at a health spa. Bathing suit and a couple pairs of workout
    “ Did you throw Guido in
your bag too?”
    Stacy laughed. “No. Guido has lots of
women to keep him company at the ranch. I am but one in his long
line of conquests.”
    “ Are you sure you went to
Canyon Ranch and not some nudist colony? I don’t remember anybody
named Guido when I went there. Only Helga. Large Swedish woman with
hands the size of ham hocks.”
    “ Yes, Helga. She’s still
there. Best massage ever.”
    “ Well, thanks again for
coming back. You look well rested.” Rachel admired Stacy’s

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