Burn Out
while on
vacation. She was surprised when Stacy picked up on the first
    "Hey girl, how is your vacation
going?" Rachel asked her.
    Stacy was in Arizona at the Canyon
Ranch Spa. Probably soaking up the sun, eating fresh, healthy food,
and taking yoga classes, Rachel thought. She wished she were there
too, getting massages and facials. Canyon Ranch was one of her
favorite spots for R & R.
    “ Just reading a book and
then later today taking a hike with Guido.”
    “ Guido? Are you serious?”
Rachel laughed.
    “ Yeah. He is one of the
fitness instructors. Funny name, but he has a nice ass. What's up
with you?"
    "I’m working on a new case. Something
big." Rachel switched the phone to her other ear.
    "That's nothing new," Stacy said. "Let
me guess. You need some help."
    "Yes, I do. And you know I hate to
bother you, especially while you’re away. Going on hikes with Guido
and stuff."
    “ You know me better than
that. I’m itching to get back into things. I’ve been here three
days and to be honest with you – I am going stir crazy. Whatcha
    Stacy was just as much as a workaholic
as she was. Rachel was surprised Stacy even took the time to get
away. She assumed her boss at the Miami Sun had something to do
with it. Stacy got a huge story out of the last case they worked on
together. The missing daughter of Governor John Knowles cracked
Stacy’s career wide open.
    "I’m in Santa Rosa Beach, which is up
in north Florida. There is a firefighter missing. Her name is
Samantha Collins. It’s been almost a week since she disappeared and
so far we have squat.”
    Rachel heard some rustling on the
other end of the line. "Hang on, I’m getting a pen," Stacy paused.
"Ok, go ahead. Give me something to go on."
    Rachel gave her all the details she
knew so far. "I’m really looking for some information on her
husband, Ken Collins. He was a former captain of the Santa Rosa
Beach police department. He was busted this past February for
marijuana possession. Actually, there’s more to it. He was growing
and selling pot out of his backyard and apparently without Sam's
    "Yeah, I remember hearing something
about it," Stacy said, writing everything down. “He was partner
with another firefighter and they got busted. It was a big story.
Some guy in my office did the feature on it. I’ll look it
    “ He got busted and was
bonded out along with Paul Hart, his partner. But then Ken did
something to violate his bond. Not sure what, but he is back in
jail awaiting trial.”
    “ Ok. Got it. What about the
    "Samantha Collins. She is now
officially missing," Rachel replied. “It was first assumed she
perished in the fire, but they didn’t find a body. Her helmet was
the only thing found when they did a search of the warehouse.
Today, we did a search around the area and found a pocket knife
which belonged to her.”
    "That’s strange. Are you thinking her
husband’s grow operation had something to do with it?"
    "Could be. It is very suspicious she
disappeared the week before she was supposed to testify at his
    "Maybe she ran?"
    "Not sure. From everything I heard so
far, from Sam's mom and her friends and co-workers, the trial had a
huge impact on her life. Financially and emotionally. But I think
she was on her husbands' side. They have two kids together. I’m
going this afternoon to the jail and talk to Ken to see what he has
to say.”
    "Ok. Let me get on the computer and do
some digging around. I can get on the next flight back to
    "I know this goes without
saying..."Rachel started to say.
    "Yeah, I know. Keep your name out of
it and keep it quiet." Stacy sighed.
    "Thanks, Stace. Travel safe. Call me
when you get in."
    Stacy was a hound dog when it came to
tracking down information on someone. If anyone could help her
figure out what happened to Sam, it was Stacy.

Chapter Twelve
    Santa Rosa Beach, Wednesday
3:35 PM
    This is just like déjà vu, Ken thought
as he

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