Burning Ceres
with Ceres cradled in his arms.
    She napped most of the way home, only waking when the altitude announced their return to his home.
    “Did you really have all this built for me?” She was still drowsy but she remembered his father’s comment.
    “Yes. I started it the instant that it was announced you had had your first heat. I started negotiations with your father that day as well. He was less than receptive, but eventually, my money wore him down.”
    “And I ran away.” It was like a fairy tale that she was recounting from a distance.
    “And you ran away. And I had to stay here and attend to business, so I found a hunter and sent her after you.”
    “And she caught me.” Her voice was sing-song .
    “And she caught you.”
    “I was coming back you know. I was going to apologize to my father and come back that very day. And she hit me with a stunner.” An affirmative nod that smacked her chin into her chest.
    “That’s good to know.” They had made it to the bedroom, and he was undressing her as one would a child.
    “ Raanan , I love you. I have for a long time. Since I stepped on your foot in a formal dance and you didn’t make a face.” She sat on the edge of the bed, nude except for her slippers which he removed.
    “I loved you Ceres, the day I was in the Imperial gardens and your guards were looking for you, and you were hiding in the tree above me.”
    She giggled. “No one knew I was there. How could you?”
    “The Azon have a better sense of smell than the Nyal .” He positioned her on the bed, and flipped a sheet over them both.
    “Then wouldn’t the mating musk be intolerable?”
    “Nope, it just made me really horny.”
    “Oh, that’s ok then. I was horny too.” She snuggled into his chest.
    “Yes, yes you were. Do you want a boy or a girl?” He whispered it into her temple.
    “Yes.” A thin whisper of sound that escaped her lips and left him with a foolish grin on his face. It served him right for asking her when she slept.
    Minutes later, he was purring as he cuddled his pregnant mate to him. It had been a good visit after all.
    * * * *
    Raanan had dragged her out of bed at the crack of dawn , and insisted that they begin a morning walk as a ritual. She was not one for mornings, and stumbled along beside him until a hot cup of tea was pressed into her hand.
    She sipped at it gratefully and was feeling more like herself in minutes. As she came awake, she noted that Raanan had dressed her in what she was recognizing as his favorite color, burgundy. It matched her eyes.
    Her body was lightening in shade with her pregnancy and her eyes were darkening with the additional hormone load. While she was carrying, she would be as close to regular Nyal coloring as she could be.
    The exercise was part of the new pregnancy regime as well. Her body’s blood flow would be dramatically altered , so she needed to keep her heart strong and her body functioning at its peak. Whether she liked it or not.
    The tea was another of the new changes. No more wine. Only tea, juice and water.
    The staff had been informed of her condition and given a list of specialists to call if anything happened to her while master Adonai was away on business. It was embarrassing, but hardly the worst thing to happen to her.
    It was when she and Raanan were arguing about properties to give to the child and Amani rushed forward to give him a message that she flinched. Kirkan Avedis would be coming the next day to see his disgraced child and her owner.
    Amani looked embarrassed by that last portion of the message, but Ceres simply touched her shoulder in understanding. “It’s true Amani . I have no standing under the law. Despite the lassitude that Raanan gives me.” She smiled at the maid in commiseration.
    When the servant had left them, Raanan turned to her, “You know that I am going to petition your father to reinstate your rank and status, don’t you?” His hands drew hers to his lips.
    “I don’t care one

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