Butterfly Weeds

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Book: Butterfly Weeds by Laura Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Miller
Tags: Fiction, General
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out. Then what are you going to do?” I continued.
                  “Tell them I’ve got everything I need right here,” he said, wrapping his arms around me.
                  I smiled wide and allowed his muscular arms to form around my body, though I was determined to get my point heard.
                  “Wouldn’t it be a dream-come-true though?” I persisted. “Plus, you would be doing the world a severe injustice if you didn’t.”
                  Will lowered his face to mine and then brought his lips to my ear.
                  “Mine is a far simpler dream, my Sweet Jules,” he whispered in that sultry voice of his – the voice that only a year ago I wouldn’t have heard the same way.
                  “See what I mean with that voice. I almost believed you,” I said, laughing.
                  “Jules, trust me. My life’s a dream already. I don’t need to go chasin’ something somewhere else,” he said.
                  “But you’re not at all attracted to the thrill of it all, the lights, the fans that would adore you?” I asked sincerely.
                  “Okay, okay, don’t you think you’re getting a little ahead of yourself?” he asked me, laughing softly. “Fans?”
                  “Well, you won me over, and I’m not easily convinced – you said that yourself,” I reminded him.
                  “Alright, my little Hollywood agent,” he said, continuing to smile. “You’re right, I’ve got you, and that’s all the fan I ever wanted.”
                  He softly kissed my lips, while someone went and let loose butterflies in my stomach again. He had won, and the butterflies were the sign to prove it. I was forced to surrender. I really didn’t want to argue with him on that point.
                  I sighed – a content, happy sigh, as the first fireworks soared to our height over the muddy water below. Reds, whites and blues sprinkled the night sky and lit up the countering bluffs in the distance.
                  I could feel Will’s hand caressing the strands of my long, blond hair now and laying each piece gently back down onto my shoulder.
                  “I love you, Jules,” he said softly.
                  His words sounded like a love song in themselves – one that I had never heard before tonight. My heart raced, and little jolts of excited energy shot through my body faster than little squirrels upon realizing winter would come early and they hadn’t gathered any nuts.
                  I followed the path of his words to his lips and then met his eyes. I watched for a second as the red and white lights danced against the background of his blue irises.
                  “I love you too,” I whispered back.
                  Then, I returned my head to his chest, listening to every heartbeat, as he squeezed me closer to his side, and I watched the lights dance in the night’s sky – fully content with my happy, little, grass-globe world, caboose and all – praying those lights would dance forever.

                  I plopped down onto the plush, beige chair in the living room of Will’s basement. Will lay sprawled out lengthwise on a worn-in, auburn couch. The familiar video game controllers and cords, left abandoned, stretched across the cream-colored carpet in front of the entertainment center, and small, overstuffed pillows and colorful throws representing several different sports teams littered the chair and the couch that Will lay on.
                  “What are you up to?” I asked him as I made myself

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