CADEnce (Deception Book 2)
mumbled something I couldn’t make out and I sighed in disappointment. “Do you remember when we were kids, Dante, and you took my new bow and arrow? How I swore to you that if you broke anything of mine ever again then I would kill you?” I pressed the muzzle of my gun into his temple. “Not only did you take my girl.” I pressed harder. “You broke her. You broke her heart, you broke her innocence and you broke her in two by separating her from me.”
    He struggled to open his eyes, but when he did I hated the way they still held that victorious glint. “And I enjoyed every fucking second. She was never yours.”
    I closed my eyes for a second. “You’re wrong. She was always meant to be mine. There was never meant to be two of us, Dante, and now there won’t be.”
    I held his eyes, our goodbye said without words as I pressed my finger to the trigger.
    “STOP!” Faye shouted. “Cade, please don’t. Don’t!”
    I was shaking. She had pulled her clothes into place and was crawling towards me, fright so clear in her eyes it made my heart ache for her even more. I never wanted to see that look in her eyes again. She wanted to save Dante. Had he really not forced her?
    “Cade, don’t. I can’t lose you like this,” she whimpered.
    “He needs to die, Faye. He deserves it.”
    “There are live cameras everywhere,” she whispered.
    “We found this motherfucker. He took Cole down,” Frank spat, throwing a big guy to the ground.
    “Malik! Is he breathing?” Faye asked.
    “Faye!” Frank rushed over, picking her up into his embrace. I wanted her in my arms but instead I was looking down at my replica who was smirking. He must have been in agony, the sadistic prick. He was too smug for someone about to die.
    “Where are the rest of your security men?”
    He spat out some blood and then laughed. “Why would I need security men, you f.u.c.k.i.n.g idiot?” I pushed the muzzle of my gun into an open wound until he writhed and hissed through his teeth.
    “My security system alerted the police to your presence as soon as you stepped foot on my property. They will be storming the dock within minutes.”
    “We’re not stupid, Dante. We disabled your security system. No one is coming to save you from my bullet.”
    And there was the chip in his armor. I relished in his gulp.
    “That’s impossible.” He choked on the blood filling his mouth from the busted lip.
    “Yeah, Blue’s pretty impressive.” I grinned at him, clicking my tongue and giving him a smug wink. The flash of fear in his eyes was fleeting but I saw it.
    “You just killed her,” he gargled, more blood filling his throat.
    “You can’t kill anyone when you’re no longer breathing, Dante.”
    The high-pitched echo of sirens filled the air, the sound faint but definitely there. What the hell?
    “Smile for the fucking cameras, asshole!” The big guy laughed. Frank moved forward, swiftly kicking him in the stomach, making him cough and wheeze.
    “He has cameras everywhere, Cade,” Faye breathed, almost inaudibly. “There are live feeds that are nothing to do with the security system.”
    I jumped to my feet. “All power has been cut!”
    “It works on another server to everything else, you fucking cock sucker! I’m not stupid,” Dante growled.
    “We need to get out of here.”
    “Too late.”
    The room swarmed with police officers screaming at me to drop my weapon. We didn’t plan for police. He fucking kidnapped my girl and they were aiming their weapons at me.
    I threw the gun away and raised my hands slowly, my eyes darting to Faye to make sure she was safe. The room was at a standstill. Why weren’t they arresting us?
    Dante struggled to his feet, wiping at the blood decorating him. “What would the public think of their famous leading man if I let them see this footage?” He smirked. Like I gave a fuck! Being an actor was a safe outlet for me; I did all my own stunts and fight scenes. It was an adrenaline rush and it

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