Call of the Cougar (Heart of the Cougar Book 2)
been anxiously waiting for four days for Tracey to arrive in Yuma Town. Hal was ready to go to the city of Rocky Tower Springs and escort her here, though he understood that she wanted to be at her partner's side should he take a turn for the worse. If her partner had been a shifter, he could heal faster. But no such luck.
    When Hal went to the kitchen to grab some more cold beers, he heard Stryker talking to Dan about picking her up just like Hal wanted to do. He returned to the living room and passed out the beers. Hal would have beat him to it though. "Hopefully she likes horses. As soon as the mare foals, I can show it to her. She's sure to love it."
    "Hell, pull out the baby animal card," Stryker said with a smirk.
    Dan laughed. "Better you two vying for a chance with the woman than me."
    Hal smiled. Dan was too wrapped up in their police dispatcher to be looking for any other woman in his life. At least for now, though he denied he was dating her.
    "I'm going for a puppy." Stryker yanked off another slice of pizza.
    Dan shook his head. "You don't have a puppy."
    Stryker smiled. "I can get one before we go on a hot date."
    "Puppies are overrated, way too common. A foal is…special." Hal finished off his pizza.
    "If she likes horses. What if she's afraid of them? Not everyone likes horses." Stryker bit into his pepperoni pizza.
    "She's a cat. Maybe dogs don't appeal." Hal wasn't going to agree with Stryker, but it did worry him. What if she didn't like horses? Maybe she was afraid of them? There would go any chance at getting to know her. On the other hand, challenges were the name of the game. And he'd sure aim to convince her just how nice horses could be.
    "She can't cuddle with a colt or filly on her lap." Stryker smiled. "They're really not pets. Not like dogs are."
    "A puppy can get in the way and need way more attention. You'd have to potty train it," Hal said.
    "Housebreak." Dan laughed.
    "Yeah, housebreak it, feed it, and play with it all the time. The puppy would want all this attention right when you're getting ready to kiss the woman. Then what? Well, hell, you think that she's going to ignore the bundle of fur? No. She'll forget all about kissing you and…" Hal smiled evilly. "Yeah, Stryker, get a puppy."
    Dan and Stryker laughed.
    "She isn't delaying coming out here because she has a hankering for her partner, is she?" Stryker asked. "I'm not into breaking up relationships. Though, with him being human…"
    Dan shook his head. "He's got an ex-wife and she arrived yesterday morning. Apparently, she might be working things out with her ex-husband, and that could get the ball rolling with Tracey leaving. Tracey's been anxious about him. Just like any of us would be worried about an injured partner. Shows she's sympathetic to his situation."
    "Right." Hal finished his beer, leaned back on the couch, and stared at the blank TV screen. "I'm going to pack it in. I've got to go home and check on the mare."
    The guys laughed.
    Standing, Hal frowned at them. "What? I've never done this before. What if something goes wrong?"
    Dan slapped him on the back and headed into the kitchen with two empty beer bottles and the pizza box. "I can just imagine what you'd be like when you have your own kids on the way."
    "Yeah." Stryker finished his beer. "I thought Chase was bad the way he's so anxious about his wife and the babies."
    "Either of you guys would be the same way if you were raising horses, and this was your first foal. Dan, if you hear that Tracey's on her way, give me a heads up. Will you?"
    "But me first," Stryker said.
    Dan just laughed.
    The party was over, the earliest any of them had ever closed it down. Hal swore that it wasn't because they were getting to be old men.

Chapter 3
    Dealing with her first partner's death a few months ago had been awful, but Tracey had felt better working through it. Now with her second partner in the hospital, she didn't want to sit around taking a break when she could be trying

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