Capital Bride

Capital Bride by Cynthia Woolf Page A

Book: Capital Bride by Cynthia Woolf Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Woolf
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to go left pull on the left rein. Want them to stop, pull back on both reins together.”
    “This is easy. Thank you for taking the time to teach me. I know it probably put you behind in your work today.”
    “Not really. I’m taking the morning off to show you around the ranch. Give me the reins and we’ll go.”
    She handed them back to him. He swatted the horses rumps and got them into a slow canter. A much smoother gait for pulling a buggy.
    They drove west up to the mouth of a small canyon and then went into it. Traveling where there was no road, it was a little on the bumpy side and Sarah grabbed John’s arm when it got to be too much.
    Shortly, John stopped the buggy. She noticed that he not only set the brake, he hobbled the horses as well. “I don’t want to get stranded up here if they get spooked for some reason.”
    He grabbed a blanket from the rear of the buggy and they walked a short way to a small stream. It was clear and looked only inches deep. “Oh, can we wade, it’s so shallow.”
    “It’s deceiving because it’s so clear and running pretty slow now, but you get away from the bank and it gets midway up your thighs.”
    He placed the blanket on the ground. Then he bowed and swept his arm toward the blanket. “My, Lady.”
    Sarah flushed and sat arranging her skirt around her. “Oh my, aren’t we the gallant one.”
    “I brought you here for nefarious purposes.”
    “Oh, what is that?”
    “I intend to take advantage of you.”
    “Here? Out in the open?”
    He smiled and undid his gun belt dropping it on the edge of the blanket.  
    Sarah scooted over when he came down on his knees next to her.  
    He reached up and caressed her jaw with his hand then ran his finger down her neck to the top button of her blouse and undid it. Moving slowly he undid the next and the next, revealing her an inch at a time until her shirt lay completely open. Then he did the same thing with the ties on her chemise. She sat there mesmerized by the desire in his eyes. He leaned forward and took her lips with his. His gentle touch sent goosebumps to her skin and heat to her core.
    She leaned up and undid the top button of his shirt, exposing him as slowly as he did her. When she finally had it open she pulled it from his pants, slid it down over his shoulders and his arms until he was free of the encumbrance to her exploration. She ran her hands over his firm chest muscles, stopping to tweak his nipples as he so often did hers.
    They both rid themselves of their shoes and bottoms. When they were both naked, John said to her, “lie back on the blanket. Let me pleasure you.”
    Shaking her head she asked him, “Can’t I enjoy you as you do me? With my mouth?”
    He got very still. “Are you sure? Most women don’t like to do that for their man.”
    “I don’t know if I’ll like it or not. I’ve never done it. Lie back.”
    He did as she asked. His erection hard as steel just at the mention of this act.
    She leaned down and tentatively took him in her mouth. Just a little way. She ran her tongue around the tip, feeling the silk of his skin over the hard rod beneath. He amazed her. This was such a unique part of him. The softness and the strength combined. She took him farther into her mouth and then back out while her hand explored the sacs below his staff. They were different. The skin wrinkled and loose compared to his shaft.
    Around and around with her tongue, then she licked the underside of his penis and he groaned. She liked the power this gave her. He was hers to do with as she pleased. Or so she thought.
    Suddenly he grasped her hair and brought her face up to his.  
    “I need in you now.”  
    He rolled her over onto her back, reared back and plunged into her with no preamble, no preparation. It didn’t matter she was slick and ready for him as she always was.  
    Two, three pumps into her and he groaned again and buried his face in her neck. She felt his hot release inside her. Each time she

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