Plague Planet (The Wandering Engineer)

Plague Planet (The Wandering Engineer) by Chris Hechtl

Book: Plague Planet (The Wandering Engineer) by Chris Hechtl Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Hechtl
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was definitely not interested in
the hot air balloons.
    Some of the tropical resort communities west of the city seemed
nice, most were into logging, growing a few tropical plants for export,
sugarcane, and other forms of farming, nice, but not his area at all. He'd
prefer to stay north of the equator and near the industrial centers. That was
where the action was as far as he was concerned.
    He was still having trouble with getting the fuel, and getting
this sorted out in Hazard was a clear case of hurry up and wait. He'd tried
tracking down the fuel trucks but he had yet to pin them down, and their office
was a shell company, an empty office in the center of Hazard. It was very
annoying. It was even more annoying that he'd wasted all morning trying to
chase down the damn owners of the company. On Sprite's advice he'd even gone to
the city hall records building to try to get to the owners, only to be turned
away with ever so exquisite courtesy. He'd never heard someone say so politely
to get lost in his life, at least not until now.
    "Mister Admiral!" He recognized the voice and turned
with a smile. Dorah shot at him like a rocket. He reared back as he caught her
in his arms with a laugh. Her hands tightened behind his neck. He managed to
turn his cheek just in time to get a kiss on it instead of its intended landing
zone. "Mister Admiral we missed you!" Dorah gushed, eyes dancing as
she broke the kiss.
    Dorah was a character, that was really the only way to describe
her. A perpetual teen that most likely would never grow up. She took whatever
life threw at her and kept smiling. She was hyper, wearing on even the most
sensitive soul who didn't understand her. She seemed to lighten up a room
though, and her bubbling intensity seemed to cheer even the most hardy soul
over time. Her enthusiasm could be contagious or wearing depending on a
person's proximity and length of exposure.
    He hadn't really worked much with Dorah, she preferred small craft
like her chosen partner Hibiki. She also doubled as the ship's day care worker
and cat care giver. Apparently the captain had either insisted she get out of
the ship to get some downtime... or most likely she wouldn't let Hibiki out of
her sight.
    Dorah grinned, the freckles across the bridge of her nose
darkening. She had long red hair, a lean body and was entirely too lithe and
graceful for his current lackanuecky piece of mind.
    "I missed you too Dorah, but right now I know how Hibiki
feels." He chuckled as he looked over to see the young man raise a hand
and wiggle his fingers in hello. He waved back with one hand, still supporting
the girl with the other. Hibiki rolled his eyes and mouthed “better you than
me.”  Irons couldn't help snorting over that.
    Dorah leaned back to get a good look. "Cookie was worried
about you eating right!" She accused as she stared at him.
    The admiral chuckled. "Don't worry, I'm just fine." She
smiled her left foot came down to the ground. Gently he set her down on her
right foot as well.
    "This is so wonderful!" She gushed. "Did you hear
about Mister Doctor? He got off at his home world and the captain set him up
with a huge hospital!" She smiled. "It was so wonderful! He was so
happy to see his wife and daughter too! I had no idea!" She slowly
released him.
    He smiled as Jen came up. "Hogging him all to yourself I see.
Dorah I think you're making poor Hibiki jealous!" Jen teased. Dorah turned
a guilty look to Hibiki who vigorously denied it with a shaking head and palm
up hands.
    "Oh, I can give him one too!" She rushed to him. The
Admiral snorted as Hibiki backed away. Apparently some things hadn't changed
much. He nodded politely to Jen who's eyes were brimming with mischief as she
watched as Dorah quickly cornered and hugged Hibiki. It was good seeing her
    "Awe geez, why'd you have to go and say a thing like
that?" Hibiki whined. His slanted eyes opened as round as they could. He
caught her midair. "I didn't go

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