Captain Future 21 - The Return of Captain Future (January 1950)

Captain Future 21 - The Return of Captain Future (January 1950) by Edmond Hamilton

Book: Captain Future 21 - The Return of Captain Future (January 1950) by Edmond Hamilton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Edmond Hamilton
Tags: Sci Fi & Fantasy
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himself taught has ever excelled him in scientific ability. For many decades the Brain has been learning and has forgotten nothing — and there is hardly a fact known to human science which he cannot recall accurately and instantly from memory.
    Simon has had some strange adventures during the course of some of the Futuremen’s exploits. Once, on an asteroid whose people were inimical to Captain Future, these hostile asteroidans raided Curt’s camp when only Simon was there. The asteroidans found the Brain, but did not realize he was a living individual. They thought him only a small scientific apparatus of some kind, and Simon had the wit to keep silent and not enlighten them. They took the Brain back with them as a puzzling curio, and, for many weeks, Simon’s serum-case rested on a shelf in a dingy shop, no one dreaming he was alive. Finally Captain Future found him and rescued him from the strange situation.
    Another time, on Venus, the Brain was vitally helpful to Curt in a precarious situation. Curt needed the aid of a remote tribe of the ignorant swamp-men, but could not prevail on them to follow him. These swamp-men worshipped a small idol of an octopus-god. Captain Future secretly put the Brain’s case inside the idol, and then Simon spoke to the people and ordered them to obey the red-haired Earthman, which they hastily did.
    Simon is most often to be found in the elaborate laboratory in the Comet, his square case resting on the special pedestal which Curt designed for him, his strange eyes perusing a scientific micro-film book or observing the course of an experiment which Grag patiently conducts under his direction. And more than one ambitious interplanetary criminal has come to grief because of the scientific magic wielded by the Brain in that laboratory! For the Brain’s great powers are one of the Chief reasons why Curt Newton and his band of Futuremen are feared by evil-doers from Mercury to Pluto.

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