Captivated: 3 (Mating Ritual)

Captivated: 3 (Mating Ritual) by Ria Candro

Book: Captivated: 3 (Mating Ritual) by Ria Candro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ria Candro
Tags: Erótica
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brought one hand up beside her head. “Yes, we know this.”
    “I…” Intense, aware heat exploded in her bones, sapping her strength. Using the door for support, she looked back and forth between the men. “I made a vow to him. What sort of person would I be if I break it?”
    Tempos’ eyes flickered with something that looked like compassion. He drew closer to where she and Stefon stood. “I can understand your desire to honor your word, beloved, but answer us this. Do you truly desire your beau?”
    His words sucked the breath from her lungs. What could she say to this? A few days ago she would have naively answered yes, but now?
    “You should consider what would be worse,” Stefon whispered. “Breaking your commitment, or honoring a pledge that should never have been made, one that may cause you to be unhappy for the rest of your days.”
    Cindra stared at Stefon, the shock of his words penetrating her mind. Gods, he was right, wasn’t he? A vow honored in fact was worthless if one’s spirit did not agree.
    She let her head fall back against the barn door, feeling hopelessly out of her element. “I’m so confused.”
    Tempos inched even closer, until he was no farther than Stefon. The closeness of their bodies, the heat emanating from them, overwhelmed her, forcing her to shut her eyes.
    “We know what we want,” Tempos whispered, his deep voice silky and smooth. One of his fingers traced her cheek, and it was all she could do not to throw herself at him. “We’ve no shame in admitting it. But what of you? What do you really, truly want?”
    “I…” Swallowing hard, she did her best to break the spell the two Spygians had cast over her, but it was no use. Their rapt attention, combined with the fiasco of the interlude she’d just had with Adamon, left her weakened and vulnerable. Had left her wanting, in the physical sense.
    Giving in to the urge, she opened her eyes and met Tempos’ steady gaze. Her heart pounded against her rib cage, the sound so loud she wondered if they could hear it.
    “Kiss me,” she whispered.
    Both Tempos’ and Stefon’s eyes widened, letting her know just how shocked they were by her words. She couldn’t blame them. She was pretty surprised right now, too.
    “Excuse me?” Tempos uttered, as if he didn’t believe her.
    Cindra sighed and tried to summon the urge to leave. But before she could do or say anything, Stefon threw Tempos a glance. “Our mate has requested that you kiss her. I’d suggest you oblige.”
    A wide smile transformed Tempos’ face, feeding her self-consciousness, but before she could snap out, “Forget it,” he zoomed in, stealing the breath from her lungs. His lips closed over hers, intoxicating her with the scent of nectar and spice, and then his tongue slipped inside her mouth and all thought fled.
    She concentrated on the liquid slide of his tongue in her mouth, the feathery feel of his loose hair tickling her face as he proceeded to kiss her senseless. This was…this was heaven. No, it was torture. The sweetest combination of both.
    When he pulled softly away, she moaned out her protest, but before she could do anything more than open her eyes, a hand turned her head to the other side. She caught the briefest glimpse of the fire lighting Stefon’s bronze eyes before his mouth covered hers, his tongue plundering insistently.
    Oh gods, yes!
    She could never have imagined how deliciously wanton it felt to be kissed by a second man immediately after the first. Sinful, no doubt, but every nerve in her body screamed that two was better than one.
    After several long, achy moments, Stefon drew away to whisper, “Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be with two men, Cindra?”
    She could only whimper in response.
    “To be touched by them,” Tempos’ silky voice chimed in as he drew close to her and tickled her ear with his lips.
    “To be loved by them,” Stefon added.
    “I, no. I mean, yes…I don’t know.” Heavens, but they

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