Captive of Pleasure; the Space Pirate's Woman (The LodeStar Series)

Captive of Pleasure; the Space Pirate's Woman (The LodeStar Series) by Cathryn Cade Page A

Book: Captive of Pleasure; the Space Pirate's Woman (The LodeStar Series) by Cathryn Cade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathryn Cade
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cabin. “Where are we going?”
    “Rendezvous,” Var said briefly.
    A holovid appeared over the console, the cockpit of the transport, Mako scowling fearsomely at the controls.  
    “I’m here,” he rumbled. “But we got company. Ship on our tail. Someone saw us leave, I reckon. And maybe they’re not buying our play that we’re just food service.”
    “Quark,” Joran muttered. Sometimes he hated when he was right.
    “You should be okay,” Haro said, but his voice revealed his concern. “They won’t see any warm bodies.”
    Mako shook his head once. “They’re coming in and doing it fast. Not asking any questions. How far out are you?”
    “Ten minutes,” Haro replied, gaze on his instruments. “Eight if I ram her for all she’s worth.”
    “Do it,” Joran ordered. “Mako, we’re on the way. Qala, get everyone down. Tell ‘em to hang on.”
    She disappeared and a few seconds later, the ship leapt beneath them and sprang forward, racing over the dark jagged bulk of the mountains below. The g-forces pulled at Joran, forcing him back in his seat. He looked from the instruments to the holovid.  
    “Head down, closer to the ground,” he told Mako, straining to speak against the force pushing at him. “But if you have to land, do not open any hatches.”
    “I have to land, I’m gonna kill someone,” Mako swore. “They’re not getting these rescues back.”
    “Agreed. For now, tell Sister Lettie to make sure everyone is contained. Do you have a visual on the other ship?”
    “Aye.” Mako brought up a holovid of his own, showing the rear of the big transport and a cruiser approaching from behind.  
    “Unmarked,” Joran noted aloud. “Which means they’re not even pretending to be legit. Surprised they haven’t hailed you with a demand to set down so they can search.”  
    “Opening forward weapons ports!” Var pointed at the holovid of the other cruiser.
    “Okay, they’re getting ready to make their demands. Wait to be hailed,” Joran ordered. “Give us time to get there.”
      “They’re not hailing,” Mako called.
    “I noticed that.” Joran’s gut tightened with dread. “Shit. They may’ve decided to demo what happens to anyone trying a rescue.”
    “Faster,” Qala urged.
    “We’re going fast as we can,” Haro said, his voice strained.
    They were, the G-forces already shoving them all back hard in their seats.
    “Have epaulets in the vicinity,” Joran decided, opening a new link. ”Might as well make use of them.”
    “Alert, alert,” he called. “All IGSF craft in vicinity of South 5-3, East 3-3, headed north-northeast. We have a peaceful supply transport, being pursued. Pursuers opening weapons ports. Pursuit ship is a Solar Wars surplus vessel, O’gren make, no identifiers. Request assistance immediately. ”
    His comlink beeped with the official tone of the IGSF. “Identify yourselves,” a voice said in the preternaturally calm tones of military and law enforcement.
    “Joran Stark, aboard the Hawk , a Firebird class cruiser, LStar74590. I’m the owner of the transport, am enroute to intercept. We’re three minutes out.”
    “We read you, Hawk . Approaching from south east, four point two minutes out. Do not initiate aggressive action. Repeat, do not initiate.”
    Joran snorted. “If I get there first and find another ship firing on one of mine, you damn well better believe I’m taking action.”
    “Repeat, Hawk , stand clear. That’s an order.”  
    Joran exchanged a look with Var and Ilya. They nodded, and turned to their weapons. Joran cut the link—not that he didn’t know the IGSF had the tech to force it to remain open if they wished.
    “I’ve got ‘em,” Haro said. “Just over this ridge. Mako, we’re nearly—”
    His words were cut off by a dull whump . In the holovid, the huge Mau man jerked, flying forward and then back in his seat as if some unseen foot had kicked the back of it. Dark blood sprang from a wound on his

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