Well, she wasn’t so damned willing, but at least she didn’t seem to be fighting. Plus, it had given them time to plan. They’d gone online, bought her other books, and it became obvious she’d been interested in them for a long time. Her heroes looked like them, and usually there were two of them, almost always twins. The heroines had a disturbing stubborn, independent streak. He liked Abby’s spirit, but he wasn’t as easygoing as Rule. He didn’t want her getting the idea this was going to be some kind of human relationship like her marriage to the cat.
She’d grown up pack. By the laws of their people, she’d already been claimed, and she understood what that meant. So why was she fighting the bond? Like Rule, he blamed it on Alex. The werepanther had known she wasn’t his mate and married her anyway. Thank God, he hadn’t bound her. Their only option then would have been to kill him, and Lawe doubted Abby would ever forgive that.
He pulled into a parking spot in front of her apartment. After helping her out, he kept a hand on her elbow as he led her to the door, her keys digging into his palm. He unlocked the door and followed her in, his gaze sweeping the small area as she went to her room. He wondered what she’d want to move in with them, doubted it was much. The furniture was a collection of mismatched pieces loaned to her when she’d moved in, mostly from his friends and family. They were the kinds of odds and ends that tended to get passed around.
He sat on the couch and stretched his legs out in front of him, waiting while she packed. Leaning his head back, he closed his eyes and grinned. Maybe he should go help. There was no telling what sexy things she might have hidden in a drawer somewhere. He knew one thing he wanted her to bring for sure though, and stood and walked to her door.
He leaned against the frame, smiling as she stood over a pile of clothes on the bed muttering to herself.
“You might as well bring it all.”
Her head jerked up, hand flying to her chest. “Jesus. Don’t sneak up on my like that.”
Captured Moon by Loribelle Hunt
He cocked on eyebrow. “Who was sneaking? I was just standing here watching you bitch and complain to yourself.”
“I wasn’t complaining.” She scowled. “I was trying to figure out what I might need.”
He grinned. “Make sure you bring that short robe. The slinky one. I
don’t think you’ll need anything other than that.”
She rolled her eyes, but a grin tugged at the corners of her lips. She turned back to the pile and started sorting things into piles. He took the opportunity to admire her backside. She’d stripped out of her work clothes and put on a tank top and pair of sweat pants that hung low on her hips. They emphasized the round curve of her ass, and he had to fist his hands to keep from reaching for her. Every time she bent down his cock swelled harder. It was a miracle he didn’t burst, but he sure as hell wasn’t a saint. She was on borrowed time.
He growled before he lunged for her, and she whirled around surprise on her face, lighting her eyes. His kiss wasn’t gentle. It was pure dominance, a silent order for submission. He half expected a struggle, but she surprised him, molding her body against his. Her curves pressed close. Sweet. Enticing. His wolf howled for its mate, and Lawe didn’t even try to fight it.
He held her still with one arm around her waist and tugged her pants off with the other hand, lifting her to pull them free of her feet. In two strides, he had her against the wall. Ripping her panties off, he tested her readiness, pushing one finger inside her pussy and finding her wet and welcoming. Thank God, because there was no restraint in him after two days of enforced celibacy. He unsnapped and unzipped his jeans, first toeing off his shoes, shoving the jeans off, and then lifting her higher against the wall.
He entered her in a quick thrust, trying hard to rein in his lust, his need, a
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