Captured Moon-6

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Book: Captured Moon-6 by Loribelle Hunt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loribelle Hunt
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little. He didn’t want to hurt her if he got carried away. She clamped around him when he was fully inside her, her pussy wet and hot.
    He groaned. He was in real danger of losing all control.
    Looking around he spotted an armless chair on the opposite side of
    the bed. He straightened, made sure her legs were wrapped securely 45

    Captured Moon by Loribelle Hunt

    around his waist, and walked to the chair. With each step her body shifted, his cock moving a little deeper followed by a small retreat. By the time he sat, only seconds later, he was gritting his teeth against the urge to just take her to the floor and pound out his frustration.
    He got comfortable. Let her lower her legs so her feet rested on the floor on either side of them. He put his hands on her hips and leaned his head back to meet her gaze.
    “Remember when we were kids, and I taught you how to ride a horse?”
    She nodded. Moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. His cock
    jerked in response to the sight.
    “This time you ride me,” he said in a hoarse whisper.
    Her smile was slow to come and sultry. She nodded, lifting herself
    so his cock slid out in a long, slow glide until only the head was left in her pussy’s embrace. He fought the need to grab her hips and force her back down. She knew it, too, the vixen. Her grin turned cocky as she slowly lowered herself.
    And Rule was worried about damaging her fragile self‐confidence.
    Lawe almost snorted, but he was too busy forcing himself to be still, to letting her have control of the situation. To watching as she again smoothly, slowly lifted herself and repeated the torturous, slow slide back down the length of his cock.
    What had started out as an experiment to slow things down in an
    effort not to get carried away and hurt her turned into something else entirely. He lifted one hand from her hip and pulled the band holding her hair in place free. It swung around her shoulders, over her breasts.
    Teasing the nipples. He stretched up to catch one in his mouth and was rewarded by her low groan as he sucked the tip between his teeth. She continued her slow, sinuous ride up and down his cock. He was in hell, but she clearly liked it, and that was enough for now. He forced the wolf down, reluctantly released her nipple, and leaned back to watch.
    She’d thrown her head back, and her hair tickled his thighs. Her eyes were closed, her face relaxed and sweet and smiling as she worked him. Her breathing, fast and deep, forced her breasts up and down in a 46

    Captured Moon by Loribelle Hunt

    rhythm at odds with the movements of her body. Something very far from simple lust wormed its way through his heart, and suddenly, letting her have this slow gentle exploration felt a little dangerous. He wanted to fuck her, needed to fuck her, and then let the wolf run. He’d have to speak to Rule about changing their plans. A weekend in the country sounded damned good at this point. The local park wasn’t going to cut it.
    Abby wasn’t sure what changed, but it changed fast. One minute,
    she was slowly riding Lawe on the chair and loving every minute of it, and the next she was flat on her back on the floor. Not that she didn’t love every minute of that, too, but she’d felt something almost like a communion before, and this was all about proving who had control. It wasn’t her.
    He thrust hard and fast, building a driving rhythm while reaching
    a hand between their bodies and flicking a finger over her clitoris. The orgasm she’d been trying so hard to hold back earlier, trying to draw the pleasure out, rushed through her. She came with a cry, shuddered as she rode out the climax, and he came, too. He slumped over her, pushing her firmly to the floor, and she drew soft circles on his back with her fingertips while she tried to catch her breath and slow her racing heart.
    He’d let her have control for bit. Been considerate and sweet and restrained. She’d liked that. It had given her hope. What

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