Carter (Remington Ranch Book 3)
    “I’ll walk with you, if you like. I’m heading that way.”
    He fell in step beside her. “Is everything okay at the house?”
    “It’s great, thank you. I do love that place.”
    “Enough to buy it?”
    She looked up at him. He was smiling, but it was a serious question.
    “I don’t know yet. Are you in a hurry to get it sold?”
    He shook his head. “Not at all. Just curious if you’re really interested.”
    “I might be. I just don’t know yet.”
    “That’s okay. You’ve got first refusal if you want it. I’m happy to rent it to you for as long as you like.”
    “Thanks, Beau. I appreciate it.”
    He nodded.
    She wondered what else to say to him. She’d met all the Remington brothers and found the other three to be very easy company. She wasn’t so sure about Beau, and she wondered if that was fair. Was she simply basing that on what she’d heard others say about him? He’d been nothing but pleasant to her. Well, he had been the one who’d brought Angie to Cassidy’s house that night, but what Angie had done was hardly his fault.
    They walked on in silence a little ways before he turned to her with a smile. Just like his brothers, he was a very handsome guy.
    “Do you mind if I say something?”
    She smiled back. “Well, I won’t know until you say it, will I? So you’d probably best just go ahead.”
    He nodded. “I’m not one to interfere in other people’s lives. That’s not my intention here at all…”
    As he searched for his next words, Summer thought she knew what was coming. She was right.
    “Carter. I think you know his history?”
    She nodded. “I do.”
    Beau looked uncomfortable. “I don’t think you’d ever hurt him on purpose, but please be careful.”
    She nodded again. “I will. I am. I wouldn’t.”
    She stared up at him and they both started to laugh.
    “So, you do know what I mean, then. I wasn’t sure if I should say anything.”
    “It’s okay. I’m glad you did. We’re going to take it slowly and just see what happens.”
    Beau’s expression told her he was surprised. It made her wonder whether she shouldn’t have said anything at all, but it was too late now.
    He nodded. “I’m glad. I was worried he might just go to ground and avoid you now you’re back.”
    She smiled. “So was I.”
    They arrived in front of the gallery and stopped. “I guess I’ll see you around,” said Beau.
    Summer nodded. She hoped so. She liked Beau. She wondered what Shane meant when he’d said he worried about him. “I’m thinking about having everyone over to dinner once I get settled back in. I hope you’ll come?”
    “Thank you.” He looked so different when he smiled. “I’d like that. And don’t worry. I’ll come alone. I feel really bad about what Angie did.”
    “Please don’t. It wasn’t your fault. You couldn’t have known.”
    He shrugged. “I shouldn’t have brought her. I just didn’t want to come by myself.”
    That surprised Summer. Beau seemed so confident, she wouldn’t have thought he’d care about going to a dinner party alone, or what anyone would think of him not having a date. “Well, you bring someone if you want to, or you’re more than welcome to come by yourself. Either way is fine. I just hope you’ll come.”
    “Thanks. I will. And if there’s anything you need—anything with the house—don’t hesitate to call me.”
    She turned at the sound of the gallery door opening. Cassidy poked her head out. “Why don’t you both come on in?”
    Beau shook his head. “I have to get going. I just didn’t like Summer walking here by herself.” He smiled at Cassidy, then at Summer. “I guess I’ll see you around.”
    “I’ll call you,” said Summer.
    “Yeah, see ya,” said Cassidy.
    Once he’d gone Summer followed Cassidy inside. “What was that about?”
    “What was what?”
    Cassidy grinned. “I thought you and Carter were just getting started. What’s with you calling

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