Carter (Remington Ranch Book 3)
take more time? Ugh. This was like a vicious circle. She needed to make up her mind because they had so little time. She couldn’t make up her mind because they’d had so little time. What was a girl supposed to do? She shrugged and took her mug back through to the kitchen. This girl was going to do what she always did. She was going to take a shower, make herself presentable, and then figure it out!
    An hour later she was showered, dressed, and had her makeup on. She looked like Summer Breese, the country music artist. Which meant she felt like shit! She wandered around the house. The beauty of this place was that she didn’t have to do anything. She was here to rest, but today she didn’t feel like resting. She wanted to do something. She was antsy. She should head up to town. She needed to shop for groceries, but she was a little nervous about going out in public by herself. The people of the valley had been great last time she was here and they’d left her in peace. Many of them had seemed to recognize her when she’d been up to town, but no one had made a fuss. Some had smiled and waved. Others had nodded in recognition, but no one had come up to her and harassed her. She’d been grateful for that. The article that had run in the local paper had her worried now. She knew it was just that Angie, and hoped it was a one-off.
    She picked up her phone. She’d check with Cassidy first; she’d either set her at ease or tell her to stay home. There’d be no mincing of words from her old friend and she was grateful for that.
    She dialed the number and waited.
    “Hey, chica! What did you get up to last night?”
    “What do you mean?” Summer was surprised that she was automatically on the defensive.
    Cassidy laughed. “I didn’t mean anything, but now you’ve got me curious. Carter hadn’t showed up at my place before I left this morning. Did you keep him out late?”
    Summer smiled to herself as she wondered what to say.
    “Come on! Your silence speaks volumes!”
    She laughed. “No. That’s just your imagination talking!”
    “So put me out of my misery! What happened?”
    “Nothing. He stayed the night at my place.”
    Summer held the phone away from her ear as Cassidy squealed. “What? Make up your mind. Nothing happened or he stayed the night?”
    “Let me get this straight. He stayed, but nothing happened?”
    “Well, something happened.”
    “I knew it!”
    “Not that! What happened was that we finally talked to each other about how we feel…”
    She had to laugh. “And I’m about to tell you if you give me chance!”
    “Oh. Sorry. Go on.”
    “We decided that we’re going to start seeing each other…”
    “Will you stop interrupting?”
    “Shit. Yes. I’ll have to. I’ve got customers. Can I call you back?”
    “I’ll tell you what, how about I come up to town. I can come into the gallery to see you. And if you have time we can go for lunch.”
    “Do you have a car yet?”
    “Yes. The rental guys must have dropped it off while we were at your place last night.”
    “Great. Get your little ass on up here then. Drive safely. I’ll see you soon.”
    “On my way.”
    Half an hour later, Summer could only manage to find a parking spot quite a way down Main Street from the gallery. She locked the car and started walking.
    She froze at the sound of her name being called by a man’s voice she didn’t think she recognized. She cautiously turned around, wishing she hadn’t stopped at all. A rush of relief swept through her when she saw Beau Remington hurrying toward her.
    “Sorry,” he said when he reached her, “I shouldn’t go around shouting your name like that, should I?”
    She smiled. “That’s okay.”
    He shook his head. “No, it isn’t. I won’t do it again. Where are you going anyway? Should you be out by yourself like this?”
    “I’m going to the gallery to see Cassidy. This is as close as I could

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