Cash (Sexy Bastard #2)

Cash (Sexy Bastard #2) by Eve Jagger

Book: Cash (Sexy Bastard #2) by Eve Jagger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Jagger
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them just what
sort of lawyer you are. I do not run from fights. Tanner Jakes can
write a million songs about our romance if he wants, but I don’t
have to let it affect me.
    A few quick dabs with a tissue, and my
eyeliner is back to rights and no longer threatening to run down my
face. Thank God for waterproof mascara. Another coat of lipstick, and
I am ready to face the world. All I have to do is survive for the
next ten minutes, and if I can pass the bar and grab a cocktail, even
better. Then I’ll go home and crawl into a hot bath with a
large glass of wine and try to forget this night ever happened.
    Calm, cool, and professional, I enter
the ballroom again. Briggs looks over me and his glance asks one
question: am I okay?
    Of course I am, because I want to keep
my job and take over my department. I return his glance with a small
wave and grab a drink from the nearest waiter. A little liquid
courage never hurt anyone.
    I skim through the small groups in the
room, making small talk, dropping business cards. Networking at its
finest. I can’t help but check my phone every chance I get,
trying to gauge how much longer it’s going to be until my best
friend arrives.
    Eight minutes down and I am almost home
free, but there’s no stopping Mathias and his fellow Triton
execs from heading my way. Curses. There is going to be no escaping
this. I’ve put too much into this relationship to just blow it
off at the last second.
    “Savannah,” Mathias says,
“there you are. I was afraid you’d run out on us. What do
you think of our latest investment? Fantastic, right?”
    There are so many words I would use to
describe Tanner Jakes right now, and fantastic is not even at the
very bottom of that list.
    “He’s something, all right.
I’m sure all the ladies really love him,” I say, fixing a
smile on my face. Make the deal and get out. Two minutes until
rescue. Breathe.
    “They should be careful. He’s
married,” Mathias chuckles.
    I can feel the blood drain from my face
for an instant. Just a joke I
remind myself. Laugh . I
barely manage to get the laugh out in time and when I do, it rings
false in my ears.
    “Thank you for the warning, I’ll
be sure to pass it along to my colleagues. Mathias, you’re a
delight, but if you’ll excuse me I have to go.”
    “Now give us just one second of
your time—Tanner wants to meet you. He’s heard so much
about Briggs, Meyers, and Associates that he practically forced us to
arrange a face-to-face meeting. We’re ready to sign.”
    This is it. He took your heart; do not
let him take your future too.
    “Of course,” I hear myself
say. For the job, for the job, for the
promotion . “I’d love to, but I am on a bit of
a time crunch myself. Perhaps instead of face time, we could
    Mathias interrupts
me. “Don’t tell me you’re off to woo another
    I try to laugh it off. “You know
how it is. No rest for us lawyers.”
    Suddenly the flock parts, and there he
is. Tanner Jakes in the flesh. The one person I would have moved
heaven and earth for—too bad I missed one very important
    “Well there you are, Savannah
Sunday.” He takes my hand like it’s the easiest thing in
the world, his familiar blue eyes locking on mine. I feel like I’m
falling. All I want to do is pull away from him. Or maybe slap him.
Yes, if he doesn’t let me go in the next five seconds I’m
going to slap him. Rage boils. “It’s been too long,”
he drawls.
    I pull my hand back and barely stop
myself from wiping it clean on my dress.
    “Mr. Jakes—”
    “Tanner, please. I like to be on
a first name basis with people who handle my…work.”
    My cheeks go hot. “Tanner,
listen, I think we could do great things together—”
    “I’m sure we could.”
    Do not kill him. You need him.
    I clear my throat. “I’m
sure my firm’s reputation precedes us, but what more do
you need to know about Briggs, Meyers, and Associates? What can I say
to convince you to

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