Casting About
completed since you were here. Everybody goes fishing from there,” Adam told her. “You and I can go fishing this weekend. Think you’d like that?”
    By now I’d come to expect her one-or two-word answers.
    â€œYeah,” she told him.
    We walked along Second Street and headed back to the house—Clarissa silent the entire way.
    When we got home, I backed off and let Adam deal with her bedtime. I heard him tell her since she wouldn’t be starting school till the following week she could stay up until 9:00. But on school nights, bedtime was 8:00.
    She walked into her bedroom, closed the door, and a few minutes later I could hear her shower running.
    I plopped down on the sofa beside him. “It’s been quite a day, hasn’t it?”
    He ran a hand through his hair and nodded. “It’s not going to be easy. I know that. She’s a sweet girl, Monica. She really is. I have a feeling she had full run of the house with Carrie Sue, so it’s going to take a while to teach her things will be different here.”
    â€œWhat am I going to do about meals? I have no clue what she might like. Should I ask her?”
    He thought about this for a minute. “No, not right now. Cook what you normally would. If she’s at least trying the things she says she doesn’t care for, then we’ll see what kind of foods she does like.”
    Made sense to me.
    After her shower, Clarissa came out to join us in the great room to watch TV—still clutching the Raggedy Ann doll. When Adam told her it was 9:00, she got up without a word and started to head to her bedroom.
    â€œHold on,” I heard Adam say.
    She turned around, a blank look on her face.
    â€œSay good night to Monica and I’ll tuck you in. Every night one of us will be tucking you into bed.”
    The look on her face struck me as one of surprise and a moment later, she said, “Good night, Monica.”
    â€œGood night,” I told her. “Sleep well.”
    When Adam returned, he said, “I’d bet anything that Carrie Sue never once put that child to bed when she was home. Probably just let her go on her own.”
    â€œI think you’re right. Is she okay?”
    He nodded. “Yeah. Gosh, I’m beat. I’m glad I have the rest of the week off. What do you say we turn in and watch TV in bed for a while?”
    After changing into my nightgown, I snuggled up beside him. He began gently stroking my inner thigh and within a few minutes, I knew he wanted to make love. I slid down onto the pillow as his lips met mine. The intensity of his kisses increased and all of a sudden I pulled away.
    â€œWhat’s wrong?” he asked.
    â€œGod, Adam, she’s in the house. What if she hears us?” I whispered.
    â€œAre you saying we’re never going to make love again until she’s grown and moves out?”
    â€œWell, no…that’s not what I’m saying. But, gee…this is her first night here and what if she comes walking in our room? What if…”
    Adam rolled over onto his back and grasped my hand. “Unless it was an emergency, I seriously doubt that she’d just barge in here with the door closed. But I can tell you’re not in the mood. It’s fine,” he said, leaning over to kiss me. “I love you. Ready to shut off the light?”
    Adam snapped off the lamp and said, “It’s okay. Really. But don’t think I’ll let you get away with this next time.”
    I heard the humor in his voice. “Yes, darling,” I replied in an exaggerated tone. “Guess a woman must perform her wifely duties.”
    His hand reached for mine and gave it a tight squeeze.
    I awoke at two in the morning to a strange sound. Sitting up in bed, I listened but wasn’t sure what it was. Adam was snoring lightly beside me.
    Slipping into my bathrobe, I tiptoed through the house and stood in the great

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