Caveman Lust [Fantasies for Men]

Caveman Lust [Fantasies for Men] by N.C. East

Book: Caveman Lust [Fantasies for Men] by N.C. East Read Free Book Online
Authors: N.C. East
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Chapter 1
    You live in a time of spears and mammoth hunting. Your life is tied to the natural world around you. Your clothing consists of warm furs taken from your prey. These are essential in the cool mountainous forest where you live but today is a clear spring day. The flowers are starting to bloom and the trees are once again turning green. It is warming up quickly as the sun climbs higher into the blue, cloudless sky so you shed the furs that kept you warm through the chill of the night and decide to take on the beautiful day nude. Today is a perfect day for anything.
    You have made your home under a giant rock outcrop that reaches deep into a low mountain and creates a small cave with a wide opening that allows ample light. Paintings made of mammoths and other beasts cover the walls, surrounding you with images of the most precious creatures in the world to you. You have spent many nights carefully constructing the illustrations by the flickering light of the fire as a tribute to your success as a hunter.
    Your home is large. You sleep along one of the rocky walls and build your fire in the rear of the cave to keep you both warm and safe through the dangerous nights. You are the master of your domain.
    Although the area is surrounded by thick trees, a wide open meadow sits at the bottom of a rocky hill just below your humble home, providing you an exquisite view of the rolling lands that seem to go on forever. It’s perfect for hunting. You have everything you need, from food to water, surrounding you. You live in a paradise. There is more food than you could eat in ten lifetimes, and a clear stream that flows all year round and brings fish through your valley in the warm months. It is heaven on earth, your private sanctuary where you are the alpha male.
    Today, you have two choices. You can relax and eventually go hunting or you can head to the west where a large tribe that you trade with lives. The decision is yours.

    If you go to trade with the tribe, go to Chapter 2A (TRADE)
    If you go hunting alone, go to Chapter 2B (HUNT)

Chapter 3A (Spears)
    You opt to stay at the cave and work on chipping out new spear points, so the other men gather their spears and knives and head out to hunt. Just before leaving, the alpha male has the most beautiful female, his main mate, bring a pile of specially selected stones to you to form into spear points. She sets the pile of sharp stones next to you and makes herself comfortable as she watches you begin to work. Her body is toned and tanned and her dark hair shines as it drapes down her shoulders. Her eyes are dark and gentle and body is pristine. Although she has been taken by her mate many times, she has yet to give birth to any young.
    The other females are busy either gathering food or firewood or tending to the children. You and the alpha’s mate are alone. You have never seen your companion naked before this and she is better than you could have imagined. She has never seen you naked before, but has caught glimpses of you in the past, when you had your way with the other females of her tribe. She has always wondered what it is like to be with you. She has always thought that you would be a better alpha male than her mate. It is your offspring, not her mate’s, she wants to have. Even though you are alone, you try not to stare, but can’t help it. Her breasts are supple and her body firm. She is the most coveted of the alpha’s mates. He is the only man who has ever had his way with this fine specimen. She craves another man. She craves you. You can see it in her eyes, in the way she looks at you.
    As you continue to work, your body has other intentions. Your cock starts to swell, growing long and thick, harder and harder by the second. She sits quietly, waiting and hoping that you’ll be brave enough to take her. Her wish comes true. She can see your dick pushing up out of your lap. She knows that your body wants her so she moves closer. She slides across the ground and

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