Challenging Saber

Challenging Saber by S. E. Smith

Book: Challenging Saber by S. E. Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. E. Smith
Tags: Fiction, science, Romance, Fantasy, Alien
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wasn’t going to give up on him because of his own stupid misconceptions of ‘not being a whole warrior’.
    A wave of longing sent an avalanche of feminine power through her. She had felt his reaction to her. His mouth might be saying one thing, but his body was definitely saying something different.
    “Good luck,” Hunter finally said with a hint of amusement in his voice. “He can be very stubborn.”
    Taylor nodded. “So am I,” she retorted with a grin. “Don’t wait up.”
    “Taylor,” Jesse said again in exasperation as her little sister walked out the door. “She’s playing with fire,” she said, turning to glare at Hunter with a pointed look.
    Hunter gazed down at his Amate with a soft smile. “And she is very good at it. She is right. He does need her, whether he is ready to admit it or not.”
    Taylor jogged down the front steps and over to the small transport that Hunter had given her for her twenty-first birthday. She threw her backpack into the passenger seat and slid into the driver’s seat. Pulling the straps over her shoulders, she clipped the communications control onto her collar. With the expertise of hundreds of hours of flight time gained over the past two years, she pressed the power and rose into the air.
    Glancing down at the house below, she couldn’t help but feel a little sentimental. It had been her home for the past seven years. It was hard to believe that so much time had passed. Her life back on Earth seemed more like a dream than a reality.
    Turning her focus back to where she was going, she had to admit she was happy that it had. The people on Earth were slowly rebuilding, according to the reports she was reading and conversations with Razor, Hunter’s older brother, and Kali, his human wife…
    Or Amate, Taylor thought as she flew over the thick forest below.
    Still, Earth had a long way to go and a lot of rebuilding to do. A reluctant smile curved Taylor’s lips as she flew a path that she did twice a day; once in the morning and again every evening. Saber might be moody as hell most of the day, he might give her hell for coming every morning to bring him breakfast or give her the cold shoulder every evening, but he never told her to leave, not anymore. No, he might tell Hunter to tell her not to come, but he never told her because he knew she would just ignore him if he tried.
    A part of her acknowledged that she had fallen for him the first time she saw him. They’d had their issues. He called her a kid, she called him an old man, but the constant banter back and forth had kept her going in the strange new world she’d found herself in.
    Taylor sighed as she thought of everything that they had been through over the last five years. One of the most painful things was waiting to grow up. She would have accepted him at sixteen, but deep down, she reluctantly agreed that Hunter, Jesse… and even Saber, had been right. She needed time to grow up and learn more about her new life. Of course, she wouldn’t have admitted it, at least not then.
    Her life had changed and she’d found her focus almost five years ago. It had taken the near death of Saber and Hunter during a mission to give her life the inspiration and focus she needed. Hunter had received a severe spinal injury that almost paralyzed him while Saber had been critically injured to the point the healers were unsure whether he would live.
    Saber required numerous operations, the last one just two months ago, to put him back together. The damage had been unbelievable. His right leg had suffered most of the damage. His upper thigh bone had been shattered; the muscles and nerves shredded as well as dozens of other hairline fractures. In addition, a deadly infection had set in by the time he and Hunter were rescued.
    Five years later, he could now walk without his cane – most of the time, but he needed it when he was tired. He was still in a lot of pain which is what concerned Taylor. The constant nagging pain

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