Changing Focus

Changing Focus by Marilu Mann Page A

Book: Changing Focus by Marilu Mann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marilu Mann
Tags: sf_fantasy
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moment to daydream about him holding a sprig of mistletoe over her head as he lowered his mouth down to hers for a deep, seeking kiss.
    Micah didn’t just show her the animals. He told her about them. It was as if he knew them intimately-almost as if he understood their very nature. Olivia paid close attention to his words and to the man himself. She watched the fluidity of his walk, even on the ungainly snowshoes. He was definitely the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen in her life.
    Her hands itched to roam all over his tall body. The thought of tracing his muscles had her biting the inside of her cheek. Not good to moan while hiking behind the man. She figured he had to weigh well over two hundred pounds, but she’d wager that not an ounce of it was fat.
    She breathed deeply, the bite of the winter air causing her to cough. Micah glanced back at her, his concern fading to amusement. Olivia shook her head on a short laugh. “How cold do you think it is right now?”
    “Now? Probably less than ten degrees. With the wind chill though, it’s probably eighteen or twenty below. Are you warm enough?”
    “Well, my nose is getting numb, but the rest of me is warm enough.” She couldn’t stop the feeling of pure feminine pleasure that swept over her as Micah’s gaze moved from the top of her red hat to her booted feet. Her belly heated up even as her head reminded her that she could never indulge in that reality.
    He tilted his head back toward the lodge and they started moving down the path. Olivia looked over to the side and stopped dead in her tracks.
    “Micah,” she whispered.
    He stopped, turning to look at her. Moving very slowly, Olivia gestured with one hand toward the side of the path. Micah moved back to her, staring into the woods. “Something moved. I think it was a wolf. There! Do you see him?”
    “Yes.” His voice matched the quiet in hers.
    Olivia stood mesmerized. She watched the edge of the woods where a wolf stood. Beside her, Micah was perfectly still. The wolf stood in profile to them, looking at them over his left shoulder for a long moment then turned and disappeared into the undergrowth.
    Olivia took a deep breath then turned to face the man beside her. “Just how many wolves are there in these woods?”
    “What do you mean?”
    She noted that his voice sounded funny, but she plugged on. “Last night I saw the biggest gray wolf I’ve ever seen in my life in the clearing around the lodge and now this white wolf in the woods. Are there more of them around?”
    “Sometimes. Depends on the time of the month-I mean year.” He shrugged. “Let’s get you back to the lodge.” She noted that his voice sounded normal again.
    He led the way in silence and they reached the lodge without seeing any other wildlife. Olivia shook her hair free of the woolen hat, laughing a little at the static, and hung the hat up on a peg just inside the door.
    They toed off their boots, pulled off gloves and then Micah reached out to help her with her jacket. For just a moment, she thought about doing the same to him just so she could wrap her arms around his massive chest.
    She wanted to nuzzle into his neck, smell his skin and feel his arms around her. She really wanted to rip his shirt off and see if his body followed through on the promise it seemed to be making.
No! No ripping. No biting or clawing either. Remember Jackson? You could do to Micah what you did to Jackson.
    Visions of the flashing lights and sirens from that awful night filled her mind. Shaking her head at her own wayward thoughts, Olivia went back toward the kitchen. Micah followed her on silent feet.
    Scooping up her notepad, Olivia turned to find Micah leaning against the counter. His gaze lasered straight into her core, threatening another meltdown. She faltered. “I…I think I’ll just go upstairs and put some more of these notes into my computer.”
    “You should take a warm shower just to make sure you don’t get a chill. Or you could

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