Changing Times

Changing Times by Marilu Mann

Book: Changing Times by Marilu Mann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marilu Mann
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Paranormal
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years, though none of them would be as sensational as this one seemed to be.
    “Julia is an old friend.” Tony paused and let his “other”
peer through his eyes briefly. He caught the straightening of Carly’s spine as
he spoke again. “In fact, you could say we’re related.”
    “Okay.” Carly drew the word out as she led the way toward
the jail. Tony’s hand on her elbow wasn’t restrictive. It just felt strange.
Tony reached out to open the door and this time Carly did stare at him. “What
century are you living in?”
    “I was raised to be a gentleman. I never apologize for it.”
Tony smiled slightly to take the sting out of his words, though that didn’t
stop Carly from feeling rather small.
    She led the way into the jail where Julia had left passes
for them. A police officer led them to a visitation room, then stood outside
the door as Susan was brought in. She wasn’t a large woman, in fact, Carly was
surprised at how petite she actually was.
    Susan’s hair was a soft shade of brown and her eyes had that
same luminous quality that Tony’s did, though hers were a dark brown. She
shuffled into the room due to the shackles on both her ankles and wrists. Carly
felt more than saw Tony tense beside her. She glanced up to see his eyes turn
an alarming shade of gold as he stared at the officers standing just outside
the door.
    He took a small step forward, but Susan’s raised hand
stopped his forward motion. Tony slowly turned his head toward Susan and Carly
watched as his eyes tracked slowly from the officers to the tiny woman standing
there in the large orange jumpsuit and shackles. Susan shook her head slightly
and Tony took a deep breath before walking toward her.
    He spoke quietly to her in French and Carly struggled to
catch what he was saying. Tony brushed his knuckles across Susan’s cheek, then
turned to introduce her to Carly. Carly spent the next half-hour just listening
to Susan describe what she had been through with her employer. Carly had heard
tales of people being harassed and Susan’s story fit the profile very well.
    At the end of their allotted time, Carly and Tony left the
jail, Tony promising to return the next day. Carly saw his eyes change again as
the officer steadied Susan when her balance shifted due to the shackles on her
    Carly noted a fine tremor course through Tony. He
practically vibrated with anger. She guessed he must have strong feelings for
this young woman. Perhaps she was his lover. For the police to have shackled
Susan, they must believe she was extremely dangerous. Carly watched Tony force
his attention away from Susan and to Carly.
    He filled his lungs with a deep breath, then waved his hand
toward the door. Carly nodded and got to her feet. She preceded him down the
hall and they left the jail without speaking until they were in the parking lot
    Tony leaned against the hood of Carly’s car and crossed his
arms. “What do you think?”
    “I think she needs a professional. I’d be happy to recommend
someone for you, but honestly, this is out of my realm. I’m not a psychiatrist
or a psychologist. I’m a physician. I believe she needs someone to talk to who
can help her deal with the abuse she’s suffered.
    “Am I that person? No, unfortunately, I’m not. If she had a
medical problem, I’d be able to help her, but this is not my field.” Carly
leaned against the car door and watched him.
    Tony sighed as he nodded. He ran one hand through his hair,
then met her eyes. “I was afraid you were going to say that. I just wish there
was something else I could do for her.”
    Tony pushed himself off her car with a swift movement. He
took a deep breath, then faced her fully. “Would you have coffee with me?”
    “Now?” Carly stammered slightly, then was angry with herself
for doing so.
    “Why don’t you leave your car here? I’ll bring you back to
it.” Tony stood in front of her with his arms crossed over his chest. As he

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