Chased Dreams
contract. Brittney does all right with her
domestic advocacy job, but these medical bills are piling up quick.
I have some health insurance that was still covered by the school
insurance, but my share is adding up fast. I just don’t like
throwing everything into her lap. She’s got enough to worry about
right now.”
    “Chase, when I was back in the military,”
Grandpa began and I couldn’t help the sigh that escaped me, knowing
he was going to launch into one of his stories that I fondly
referred to as a parable. “We got word that our unit may be called
to active duty, soon. This, of course, made me and the other guys
feel pretty nervous. True, it’s what we’d been trained for, but
training and actually being out in a war zone are two completely
different things.
    “Everyday we’d fret about it—called our
family and friends, wrote letters—anything we could do to make sure
all our affairs were in order. Sometime we’d lie around for hours,
just watching the clock tick away while we waited for the call,
getting antsier with each passing moment. And then, one day it
    In spite of my earlier groaning, I held my
breath in anticipation waiting to hear where they would send him.
“What did they say?”
    “Nothing. They said the orders had been
rescinded and we could stand down.”
    “Huh?” Now I was confused.
    “My point is that we all sat there worrying
day in and day out about something we had no control over. We
caused ourselves a bunch of unneeded agony.
    “Sometimes we just have to sit back and let
the chips fall where they will, then do our best to pick them up as
we go along. Do you see what I’m saying? There’s no need to create
extra hardship on yourself.”
    “Brittney thinks I need to go see a shrink,”
I said wryly.
    “Talking out loud sometimes has a way of
helping to sort things out in your head. It’s different when you
can give voice to something rather than struggling with it in
silence. I think it might help you too. You’ve had a pretty rough
row to hoe lately.”
    “I know,” I responded quietly. “Thanks for
letting me vent.”
    “Any time, son. You know I love you.”
    “I love you, too.”
    “Chase?” he called out before I could hang
    “I know things are tough, but don’t forget
to count all the blessings you have in your life right now

Chapter Seven
    It seemed strange that I was so nervous
walking back into the surgery center the morning of my scheduled
procedure. It wasn’t as if I hadn’t already gone through this once
before. I knew exactly what to expect this go around.
    There was an older woman behind the
receptionist desk today. “Hello. May I help you?” she asked, as
Brittney and I approached.
    “Hi, yes. I’m Chase Walker. I have a surgery
on my knee this morning.”
    She quickly tapped her computer. “Yes, I see
you right here. You’re first in line. I’ll get you checked in and
someone will be out shortly to get you.”
    “Thank you, ma’am,” I responded politely.
“Have a great day.”
    Brittney followed me over to the chairs and
we sat down together. I leaned my crutches against the wall and
slouched in my seat, strumming my fingers anxiously against my
    After several minutes, Brittney reached over
and slapped her hand down over mine so I couldn’t move it. “Stop
it. You’re making me nervous.”
    I glanced at her, surprised by her reaction.
Her beautiful face was drained of color, like she’d seen a ghost.
“What’s wrong?” I whispered.
    “Nothing. Don’t worry about it,” she
replied, removing her hand and glancing away from me toward the
    “Come on. It’s not ‘nothing’ or you wouldn’t
be acting this way. What’s wrong?”
    “I’m scared, okay?” She spoke a bit too
loudly, causing the receptionist to stare at us. She lowered her
voice immediately. “What if something bad happens? They’re putting
all these pins and plates in you. What if you never walk

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